The Caterpillar (tazmanianpanda)

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The Caterpillar

A caterpillar slowly creeps on a branch

Looking for some leaves to munch and crunch.

Some thorns pricked it here and there

But to give up, it wouldn't dare.

Soon, it was wrapped in its cocoon

In darkness and in sorrow it watched the moon.

It felt dead and empty while in safe;

The shackles restraining it causes chafe.

It coiled and recoiled to fit the mold

It does everything the society told

But as the days pass, the more it felt loneliness

For happiness and contentment are all equal to pretense.

It waited and waited for the day to come

When it can finally erase being numb.

At last the restraining barriers broke!

It can finally show everyone its new cloak!

It said: Start the year right-

Spread your colors and start to fly

Look above and reach for the clouds so high

Tell yourself you can brave this new year with all your might.

poeTRY (Volume 2)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें