Perfumes of Poetry (penstrokes75)

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Perfumes of Poetry

 Your pen is a pen possessed,

Your emotions so effortlessly expressed,

 Splashed on paper,works of many a hue,

You don't obey words,words-they obey you.

 Write to quench the raging fire,

Make it flow like the dulcet tones emanating from a lyre,

 Write to allow the torrential downpour of your thoughts,

Against which the clouds of restraint have for so long fought.

 Speak of the earthy aroma of rain,

The reeking stench of heartbreak or pain,

 The mildewed fragrance of nostalgia,

Or of a loved one,lost...but once held dear.

 May your words be like drops of water to the parched land of your heart,

Cool breeze to the sweltering heat of the desert,

 May your writing continue to astonish and enthrall,

May the magic wrought by your magic wand never stall.

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