The Death of Galahad (Gadralnuere)

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The Death of Galahad

The Grail Knight laughed

and dreamed about

the holy plains of Sarras,

as he journeyed that last time

through Albion to Camelot,

to see the King

and say farewell to those he loved.

He knows the moment of his death.

It is the gift he's earned,

which proves that he is truly free,

a choice by him,

who until now,

had been a child of destiny.

Since first his father, Lancelot,

on Pentecost led Galahad.

Since first the Round Table

he espied.

Since first upon the Siege Perilous

he sat,

where any other would have died.

Since first the ordained sword

he drew

and was proclaimed as great.

Since first the Grail itself revealed,

he'd been a slave to fate.

His death alone

was his to choose

and now that choice was made,

He bid farewell to Percival

and Bors upon the glade.

The Pure Knight sat upon his steed

like a warrior carved of stone.

He closed his eyes

and mouthed a prayer

and dreamt of going home.

His vision was of friends long dead

upon a distant shore

and when he finished with his prayer,

the Grail Knight was no more.

poeTRY (Volume 2)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora