Watching My Daughter (teaandtoastplease)

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Watching My Daughter

I see your simple line of thought

And I love to see the innocence untaught

To explore the world with no preconceptions

Is to experience life without exception.

We are so full of rigid patterns and ideas

It's a stark contrast to your total lack of fear

As you experiment with things freely

I can see you learning and growing so quickly.

I love to see you light up with delight unbridled

As something captures your attention unrivalled

You find pleasure in something so pure and new

I see you change every day as you discover you.

Your eyes are a hazel I could study for days

And a simple touch sets my heart ablaze

Your personality is shining like a diamond

And it's only waiting for you to find it.

Whenever we visit somewhere before unseen

You go quiet and pensive to take it all in

You are a thinker, a planner, a student

You have an opinion and are finding how to prove it.

I could spend every moment memorising all of you

In utero, post-natal, the sleepless nights, too,

You're the one thing I'll never have enough of

One superlative love I'll always crave a hit of.

That cherubic, sunshine smile you bestow

Makes my maternal love swell and grow

You're clever and funny and utterly unique

And keeping up with you has been no mean feat.

I can't ever record or explain what you do

That makes me so proud of the lady that is you

I will never try to shape you or change you at all

I will only love you and be there when you call.

As you grow older the world will try to mould you

It will stymie and resist and control and tell you

Please keep your stubborn curiosity alive and well

Don't forget to hold true to your story to tell.

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