Impossible things happen.

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Author's POV:-

A stinging sensation ran all over your body. It hurts, you thought while you tried to remember what had happened.

When you finally got over what happened, you panicked searching for your friend. But you were under a metal piece so you had to struggle with one arm while the other one was under your body.

"Sara? Are you there?"

You asked looking over the blanket of smoke. The road looked abandoned. You found your friend lying on the ground, unconscious. You checked whether she was breathing, and she was.

Oh, thank goodness, you thought, she just fainted.

You took your friend over to your car, which was quite a bit far away from the disaster. After gathering your medic kit which you always carried handily inside your car, you ran to the place where the car had blown up.

On the way, you bandaged your arm which looked bloody. But when you reached the debris place, your heart stiffened.

You couldn't believe what was happening.

Your soul hurt so much that your eyes almost closed.

Jungkook's POV:-

I felt like dying. My arms won't budge to move. I looked for my Hyungs, but my eyes felt sore and watery.

The car blew up causing the nearby telephone booth to also blow up. Before I could run away, I was underneath this fucking piece of something heavy. ugh.

"Jungkook?" A sweet voice called me. "Are you there?"

"Yes. Me and my Hyung-"

I couldn't say more.

Author's POV:-

I couldn't believe this was happening.

This can't be. 

You thought. Tears formed as you saw people lying on the ground, all blood and pieces of metal. You hoped that this wouldn't happen.

But you felt your knees weak when you saw Jungkook, his leg wounded badly by a glass shard, and his head bleeding very badly. I've got to do something, you rummaged your pocket and to your relief, there was your mobile. Calling an ambulance, you kept it back, snapped out from your world, and ran over to help them.

You checked on some people and found out that they were good, apart from small wounds that couldn't be serious. But more serious patients were BTS. They had pieces of car and glass shards stuck on their body parts, you called over to Jungkook, hoping that he could at least move.


He suddenly replied. You went over and sobbed trying to take of the shard from his leg.

"This-gonna hurt, hmm?" You whispered, sniffling.

He groaned. Taking it off and applying some medicine, you saw some passerby's car stop and running over to you.

"What is the matter?" A lady asked while you shoved her some cotton and bandages.

"Please help me treat them. I am a doctor and a car exploded."

The lady got shocked and even more scared as she saw Jungkook lying on the ground.


You shouted and she nodded, running to help the least injured people.

Some more people came over and started helping you and you felt relieved.

After bandaging Jungkook's leg, you started dabbing at his forehead, bleeding.

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