Happily Ever After.

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Author's POV-

You are happy. 

For all the twists and turns in your life.

They made you even stronger.

You wouldn't have met Jimin if you weren't colorblind.

Talking of the same, you went for a check-up only to hear that you would have to go for surgery.

"But doctor, I can still see some shades."

Mr. Ray, your replaced doctor, shook his head. "No, y/n, I am afraid it is dangerous." You nodded and sighed getting out of the hospital feeling gloomy. On the way, you met Sarah, who was kissing her boyfriend. "Oh my go-"

"Y/n!" They both echoed as you shrugged. Both came near you showering with sorry as you sat with them. "Where were you at?"

"Just for my daily check-up."

"What did the doctor say?"

Her boyfriend asked. You looked at him and sighed deeply. "He said if I wasn't cured in a month, I would have to go under surgery. He said It is risky too, chances there are that I might lose my eyesight."

They gasped and Sarah held your hand, horrified. "I am so sorry... Have you told Jimin?" You cutely shook your head and Sarah's boyfriend awed at your cuteness. "Your boyfriend might end up in the showcase of puppies, he looks exactly like one."

Sarah laughed and her boyfriend kissed her cheek. "You guys continue, I am off!" You ran from the lovebirds who called after you. "She is so happy. I guess she deserves it." You folded your arms and smiled.

You, feeling better after talking to your friend, skipped across the roads. Then your phone buzzed as you read the notification. 'Jumin's death anniversary.'

You stopped smiling as your face went pale. Yes, it was really important, so you bought some flowers and walked into the cemetery all alone. Looking for her grave, you smiled gently while placing the bouquet on the slab and you paid your prayers to her. After that, you stood there remembering all the good times you had.

"Jumin, hey it's me, dear! I am living happily. I hope you are watching me from the above, and commenting on how weird is my hairstyle. I know you hate bleach, but sorry, it looks too good on me. Just kidding! I and Jimin are always as together, I was close to dying by your stupid ex-boyfriend, Wo-eun's dad. And-"

You sighed trying not to cry.

"There are two things I want back. You and my father. I miss you so much, and I am sorry for whatever I did."

You said, then smiled at her, walking away. Rustles came from behind a bush as you walked far away. It was Wo-eun. He was muffling his cries. Then he got up and fell on Jumin's grave, crying for her to come back. You turned back to see him and you widened your eyes. 


He then turned towards you walking like a psychopath. "All because of you! I lost her, you, and my family. ALL BECAUSE OF YOU!!"

You shivered, thinking that the past would hit you again, but you just smirked. "You dumped her, you asshole." He then stood in front of you and then yelled inappropriate words.

"You won't budge, huh?"

"Come back to me, y/n.. I love you! I will give you everything-"

You sighed. Didn't he just say he wanted Jumin to come back?

You have had enough of this shit. You flew across the grass yard and slapped him hard to get him up from his fantasy. He stood there blankly. "You are the one who killed her! She was so happy to have you and you just crushed her, for me? You don't deserve her, or me!"

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