Moving on.

4 0 0

Months passed.

No sign of you. 

Since losing the days, You were declared to be dead.

Taehyung's POV-

I was shopping for my mother's birthday when I came across a Gucci bag.



Yes, y/n. Stop calling my full name. I love it when you call me Tae. *pout*

Okay, cutie. Check this dope bag out!

Gucci? You like gucci too?

Of course! My favourite brand, although I don't like their stuff.

Fool, who has a favourite like that?

Me. I only like seeing their stuff, not wearing them. I meant those shoes okay.

Ah... I like everything.



This shop?


These bags?





You cute little brat!


Come back!

You are such fun, Tae.

I know that!

"I miss her." Tae's eyes watered but he wiped them away and sighed, still standing feeling lost.

He missed you. He wanted to hang out with you, laugh, tell you about his day. He missed you, as his best friend.

Jungkook's POV-

I was in the middle of the road, as suddenly I saw y/n coming towards me. She was beautiful head to toe, waving at me.

I waved back smiling as she ran towards me. I was glad she was okay. Now she and Hyung can live happily together, I can taste her baked cookies, she would buy me milkshakes and we can play games. 

Everything will be as normal as before. Happily.

But from nowhere a car comes and hits her. I watch her fly and fall on the ground. I run to her crying. No, y/n, hyung needs you, I need you, everyone needs you!


I wake up as the alarm falls to the ground. I groan and rub my face, feeling depressed. Hearing me scream, Jin hyung came near to me with a glass of water. "Nightmare, again?" 

I nodded sighing. Jin hyung sighed too. "I know. I miss her too."

His voice choked as we recalled those memories.

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