Love Is In The Air.

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Author's POV:-

You shook your head, open-mouthed.

"No-it's okay. You can take your-"

Jimin went for your hands. He interlocked his fingers with yours and stroked your thumb.

You felt butterflies again. You felt happy and blushed to look out of the window.

Jimin smiled at your cheeks and said, "Just wait for me."

You looked at his eyes. You once felt loved when you saw colors.

You were being used to their presence slowly and started to talk without any discomfort.

"We are here!"

You removed your hands from him, to which he looked sad. You felt so happy when he pouted.

"This restaurant-I have been here." You said, and Jin came close and whispered in your ears.

"BBQ is my favorite forever." You nodded to say you loved it like hell.

Walking inside and to your surprise, no one was sitting in there.

"Why is it empty??"

"Because we reserved all the seats like usual."

Yoongi replied, elbowing you.

You giggled and sat along with them, and Jimin quickly sat near you.

You ordered some noodles and BBQ skewers. Jimin ordered the same, while other ordered lamb skewers and beer.

"B-beer? I am not good at drinking."

You said, feeling insecure.

"Don't worry, even you get drunk, I will get you home safe, huh?"

Jimin said softly melting your insides.

Eating with them is hearty. You felt confident and you gobbled up feeling hungry like a wolf.

Jimin leaned in and wiped off sauce from your lips, "You are so precious when you munch like a chipmunk."

You really looked like a chipmunk with your mouth full, you looked at him, while he smiled, lovingly.

You really wanted to go the bathroom, So after eating you paused and took a break.

You came from the ladies' toilet and washed your hands.

Fixing your makeup, you put on some lip gloss on the lips, smacking them. That's when you heard a smirk.

"Ah! Who's there?"

You said, looking everywhere, and gasped when Jimin came out.

He was dead staring at your glossy pink lips.

He came closer, and you felt a wall behind you. You were probably stuck. He kept an arm on the wall and muttered, "You are making me hard to keep away, y/n."

You looked at his eyes, you saw love and desire in them. You saw his black pupils dilate and his brown orbs shine. You saw his pink tint and smelled.

"Are y-you d-drunk?"

You asked. He nodded.

"Drunk with love, baby girl."

He leaned in and put his hands on your cheeks caressing it.

"I never felt like this before." He murmured and you had to put an arm to keep him from falling.

"Jimin, I-I think y-you need to-"

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