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Author's POV:-

The atmosphere was in silence. The trees rustled and leaves fell off. The wind brought some of your beautiful memories along swooshing your black skirt. Looking at the tombstone, you cried softly as your mind went void. 

Your hand trailed through your wet face. Your face had barely any brightness. Your second person had left you and her whole world behind. She still had her beautiful smile when she was buried. Which made you think she was alive still in your heart. 

Jumin left the world. She fulfilled her wish. Leaving the wretched world. Soon you sighed in pain and turned around to see Jimin and others coming to attend the funeral. You couldn't find yourself to smile. You just looked down feeling bad and guilty.

Jimin was wearing a black shirt and jeans, with his jacket on probably because it was cold. Others wore the same outfit. You were usually stunned in every way he dressed, but you couldn't bring yourself to senses this time. 

Jimin didn't bother that you didn't look at him. He passed you and placed a flower on top of the tomb, closing his eyes and paying his condolences. You watched them silently do their job carefully not even one looking frustrated. They are so respectful and you loved them for that.

Even though Jumin wasn't anyone special to them, but she was your friend and since they watched her pass away, they were obliged to come and see her. After their work, they came near you, Jimin slightly hugging you and others smiling at you to cheer you up.

"Love, don't feel guilty, you helped her so much." You heaved out as Jimin said comforting you. Jungkook was smiling, Suga was patting you back, Namjoon was wiping away your tears, Jin was looking at you, J-hope holding your hand and Tae was quietly murmuring, "It is fine. You don't have to feel bad."

You felt their warm words run through your blood. You nodded trying to smile but it never came, "Don't force yourself to smile, love, take time to feel better." BTS. Your family indeed.

You nodded and finally opened your mouth to say, "c-can I have s-some me-time t-"

"Of course, y/n," J-hope said as you nodded again. 

You hoped you would get over with it.

A week later-

"Blood pressure. Brain defunctioning. Call the Prof. Rang of the 2nd surgical department." You said as you checked the patient's pulse and ran to the shelves taking out some liquids. Injecting him slowly you tried to see the color of the light warning but your eyesight was worse now than ever.

"Ugh, shit these." You had to keep the syringe down and call for someone. "Sorry, my bad. I was away for a little bit." Goem-si said. When did she become this nice? You shrugged. She smiled as you wiping your hands went for a sip of water. Walking to another room, you saw a child and a mother. The child was sleeping on the mattress and soon as the mother saw you, she smiled gracefully. "Thank you so much for taking care of my child, yoona. She is so happy to be here."

"Oh no, I'm just doing my job. How is she? Is she having any pain in her abdomen? Any vomiting?" You said checking her eyes with a torch. "No, but she did have some bouts of vomiting yesterday midnight. Otherwise, she is doing quite well." You nodded. " Don't worry, just side effects of appendix removal. It will be soon alright. She will be able to discharge after a few more days, I will inform you. I have to leave for surgery so see you later, ma'am."

You bowed to her smiling and got to your work as you had some water. You were getting quiet over in your life after Jumin's death. You couldn't wail and blame yourself since you knew she killed herself because she knew she was wrong. You had a lot of work in your hands and even though you were upset by losing your bestie, you couldn't watch your life pass away, so you got over her quickly. Reminding yourself she must be looking at you from above smiling for your best, you wore your plastic gloves and changing into a shirt and simple pants. You had surgery to do with Prof. Lee so you walked over with your hands up in the air.

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