Chapter 1 : Relationship issues

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The girl frantically navigated the pack-full high school hallway

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The girl frantically navigated the pack-full high school hallway. She had her backpack lazily thrown over her shoulder, shoelaces untied and mask barely holding on. Yet she was in too much of a rush to notice her sloppiness, too focused on getting out to honestly care.

Bee was rather popular amongst her peers. She was extremely friendly, outgoing and funny after all. Her east-Asian features made her stand out like a sore thumb among the extremely white population of the school, making her look quite exotic. She had long, luscious jet-black hair with curtain bangs that brought out the defined shape of her face. Her eyes were a very dark shade of brown with golden hues around her iris. Thankfully she wasn't stereotypically short for an Asian, standing proud at 5'4 feet.

Clearly Bee wasn't paying attention to where she was going, and eventually she found herself stumbling backwards after colliding with another body. Her eyes widened in the moment of shock, and she desperately tried to stay on her feet, at which she succeeded.

"Oh god, I'm so sorry." She heard the rather unfamiliar, male voice from somewhere up ahead.

Looking up, Bee encountered a much taller boy. She managed to recognize him as one of her classmates, although they've rarely ever talked before.

Having been brought back into reality, Bee immediately replied. "No, you're good. I should've payed more attention to where I was going."

"No, it's fine, really." The boy continued with a fade, reassuring smile under the fabric of his mask.

Yet Bee's eyes were already elsewhere, pupils shaking as she attempted to locate her previous target in the crowd. She had lost him.

"Sorry, but gotta blast." She muttered towards the guy, barely sparing him another glance before she began jogging down the school hallway and towards the exit.

Bursting out of the school building, it wasn't long until she spotted the person she was looking for outside.

"Hey, babe!" Bee called out, voice filled with anticipation as she literally sprinted towards the small group of boys that stood by the parking lot of the school.

"Oh hey baby." Adrien, her boyfriend, shortly replied before turning back to listen to whatever his friend had to say.

Bee immediately stood next to him, sending polite smiles towards his peers, before her eyes set on him once more.

"I thought you were going to pick me up from class today so that we could go to the pizza place together..." The girl pointed out rather shyly.

"I'm sorry, I kind of forgot." Adrien laughed a bit awkwardly, glancing towards his friends before he quickly continued. "I'm sorry baby, but something came up. The boys and I have a very important video game tournament and I really don't want to miss it. Could we meet up another time?"

Bee's excitement instantly vanished, and from her eyes, her boyfriend could tell that she had stopped smiling.

She took a moment to process before replying. "I guess..." She muttered, clearly disappointed.

"If you like, you can always come over and watch me play." He tried to cheer her up, but the girl simply shrugged him off.

"No worries." She smiled. "We can just go out another time. Have fun."

"Thank you baby, I love you so much." Adrien pulled her in by the waist, lowering his mask in order to place a small peck on her forehead.

"Love you too." Bee murmured, trying not to sound too disappointed.

After standing around for a couple of more minutes, the group of boys ended up leaving in Adrien's car and the girl couldn't help but sigh.

"He was my ride..." She muttered to herself, watching as other students flooded out of the school and drove away either in their own cars or their parents'. It didn't take her long to re-collect herself, starting the 10 minute walk to the nearest bus stop.


"Hey Bee, are you there?"

The girl was promptly brought out of her own thoughts, turning towards her laptop camera and giving a small hum in reply.

"Why are you so distracted again?" Olivia, her best friend since childhood, asked. Her question was accompanied with sweet laughter, putting Bee slightly more at ease.

"It's just..." The girl began, but couldn't finish her sentence as she honestly didn't know what to say.

"Is it Adrien? Did he cancel AGAIN?"
"It's not a big deal, Olive." Bee tried to sound reassuring. "Something came up. He already promised that he'd take me out to eat this weekend."

"Yeah, and he's probably going to cancel that as well and give some bullshit excuse." Olivia immediately became defensive and rolled her eyes in agitation. "It's basically becoming a routine, Bee. Just break up with him!"

"Nooo, Adrien's not like that, I swear." Bee pleaded. "We've been dating for a while now, I understand if he wants a bit more space to spend time with other people. I mean, for like 3 months we hung out almost every day."

"Girl, I- okay hun, whatever suits you." Olivia sighed. "Just remember that I don't like him. And please talk to him about this, he really can't keep mistreating you like this."

"He's not mistreating me." Bee chuckled quietly. "But that's not my problem right now. Honestly, I feel like there's a reason that Adrien is feeling a bit distant."


"Like, it's difficult to explain." The girl began, thinking on how she should word what's in her head. "We obviously have tons of things to talk about when we hang out and stuff, but sometimes it may feel kind of awkward since we share no common interests, you know?

"What do you mean?"
"Like, he would talk about something about his video games and it feels like he's speaking a different language than me."

"Then just talk about something else, you don't need to talk about what he likes all the time." Olivia sat back in her chair whilst fixing up her nails.

"Yeah, but he always looks so happy and excited whenever he talks about them that I really don't want to ruin it for him." Bee bit down on her bottom lip whilst staring down into her lap.

"Hm. Have you ever thought about picking up gaming as a hobby?"

The girl looked up at the proposal in slight bewilderment. "Huh?"

"Like ask him about what videogames he likes. Then play a little, and even if you're bad, at least you'll have something to talk about. Maybe he could even teach you, which would make him spend more time with you." Olivia stated, as if it was obvious.

"But I don't want to be a pain. What if he gets annoyed if I'm too clueless?"
"Then dump him. From my experience, any guy would fall to my feet if I decided to play video games with them, even if I sucked."

Bee was still slightly hesitant, and it was clear on her face.

"Just try it out. There's nothing much to lose, right?" Olivia finally looked towards the camera, and somehow that encouraged her best friend.

"Alright. I'll give it a try I guess." Bee's lips melted into a 

" Bee's lips melted into a 

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