Chapter 12 : Nintendogs

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Bee let out a loud, satisfied grunt as she threw herself onto her comfortable bed

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Bee let out a loud, satisfied grunt as she threw herself onto her comfortable bed. She'd already finished the little bit of homework she had to do for the day, and therefore could allow herself to relax a bit. Most importantly, her and Adrien's conversation was definitely stuck in her mind, and she'd decided to discuss it with Olivia, just to be able to get her feelings off her chest.

"He said what?" Olivia asked, her voice filled with disbelief, audible even on the other side of the line.

"Yeah, I tried to avoid the conversation, but I did not expect him to be so blunt." Bee sighed, which was an immediate sign for her best friend to get riled up.

"Girl, if he actually cared about anything else but himself, he'd get the hint!" Olivia called out as she pointed the hairbrush she'd been using towards the camera. "You've clearly established your boundaries before, what doesn't he get about that?!" 

"I don't know, I just-" Bee began, but interrupted herself by shoving her face into a pillow. It took her a good couple of seconds to come up with a reasonable response. "I mean, I do kind of get it, you know. We're both 17, and we've been dating for like half a year already..."

"In no way does that give him an excuse to bully you into something like that." Olivia huffed out.

"He's not bullying me." Bee defended.

"Forcefully persuade, bully- it's basically the same thing." Her best friend insisted. "Just dump him already, I don't understand what you see in him. He has absolutely no respect for you."

"That's not true. I love him, and he loves me back. You know that sometimes couples just get to a point where they have to overcome a problem in their relationship, and this is mine and Adrien's problem." Bee explained defensively. "I just have to figure it out."

"You have to figure it out? Babe, didn't you just say you guys are in a relationship?" 

"Yeah, I mean we will figure it out." Bee corrected herself, but under the unimpressed gaze of her best friend, she let out a long sigh. "What do you suggest I do then?"

"Dump him."

"Other than that."

"I mean." Olivia was now back in her bed and had shoved a chip in her mouth. "I wouldn't know really. Never really been in a real relationship per se."

"What about Tom? You guys dated for like 4 months last year." 

"That was just a fling, nothing serious." The other girl explained casually. "We never even made it official. But that's besides the point. I guess you could try to... talk it out with him?"

"What do you mean?"

"Not that I think that huge idiot will understand or care, but you can try to explain to him why you don't want to sleep with him. Make it clear, and set boundaries."

"But he clearly wants to do it with me, so maybe I should try to figure my own issues out myself?"

"NO!" Olivia half-yelled strictly. "You can't just be compromising your own comfort for a boy. Have a little more self respect! If for whatever reason he doesn't like your decision, that's his problem. Remember, you always have to put yourself first, Bee. Don't let some useless bitch-boy change your entire personality and principles."

Olivia had for once used Bee's name in a sentence instead of some pet name like "babe" or "girl", so she knew she was being serious. Bee let out another groan, deciding to roll onto her back and hold her phone above her face.

"I'll think about it." She concluded, and Olivia's brows furrowed.

"What's there to think about? Don't tell me you're planning to just follow along with his demands?!"

"No, that's not what I mean. I just want to think whether I want to confront him directly or just keep avoiding the topic. I mean, that's worked out till now." Bee explained with a small sigh.

"Oh, alright then babe. Do whatever you see fit." Olivia seemed to have calmed down slightly as she put another chip in her mouth.

Suddenly, Bee's phone buzzed, and she looked to the top of the stream to find a familiar notification.

**RanbooLive is live: DREAMSMP AND CHILL**

"Um, Oli, I think I might get off now."

"Hm? Alright, okay. Have a good night bae."

"You too, byeee." Bee quickly hung up the call before returning to laying on her belly and pressing the notification.

As usual, the alert had been quite late, and Ranboo was already well into the stream. Just like the title entailed, he was running around on the Dream SMP, supposedly looking for 'op items'.

Like usual, Bee watched the stream with curiousity, laughing along to some of the donation messages and to Ranboo's usual jokes. His streams were like her comfort zone- they made all her problems disappear from her mind and forced her to focus on his calming voice. It was nice to say the least.

Suddenly, there was a donation of $5, which questioned: "Were you a Wii or Nintendo kid?"

"Thank you for the donation cakequeen05." Ranboo thanked shortly as he listened to the question, then he got right onto answering. "I was very much a nintendo kid. I think I still have my nintendo ds somewhere in the house." He talked, before suddenly chuckling. "Right, I was having this very conversation with a classmate this morning."

Bee's eyes widened ever so slightly. Ranboo rarely ever talked about his personal relationships on stream, not even about his family unless necessary, so why was he mentioning her?

"Yeah, we were talking about what games we played as kids, and I was obviously into the good stuff like mario cart and pokemon. She said she was into this game called 'nintendogs', chat, do you guys know it?"

There was a mixture of replies in the chat, some going like 'yeah, why don't you??', some were like 'ew what?' and a small minority went 'she??!?!?!?'.

"Well that was an explosive response." Ranboo laughed out. "Should I do a nintendogs stream for the next sub-goal? What do you think chat? Actually, mods, pull up a poll. Nintendogs or horror games for the next sub goal." 

A poll was actually conducted, and Bee sheepishly clicked on 'nintendogs'. When the results came in, the race was very close, but nintendogs won by just a couple of percent.

"Alright, nintendogs it is." Ranboo announced half-excitedly. "I don't have the game, so I'll probably have to buy it later."

'I wonder if I still have my nintendo at home.'
Bee thought as Ranboo continued on with his stream, and she was immensed in it all over again.

'Bee thought as Ranboo continued on with his stream, and she was immensed in it all over again

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i aspire to be olivia honestly

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