Chapter 4 : Comfort streamer

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Bee walked out of the classroom with more than she had expected: 2 identical worksheets, one filled in and one not, and a sticky note which simply said 'Copy the work and then return my sheet please, Mr

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Bee walked out of the classroom with more than she had expected: 2 identical worksheets, one filled in and one not, and a sticky note which simply said 'Copy the work and then return my sheet please, Mr. White will be asking for it tomorrow.'

But the girl didn't seem to have processed what had happened during the class. Last thing she remembered was dozing off while she stood by her station, then suddenly the bell rang and everyone was packing up. So she had done so too.

As her feet subconsciously led her in the direction of her 2nd period English class, Bee suddenly felt a hand being thrown over her shoulder. "Hey bestie, missed me?"

Turning her head, the girl found none other than her best friend Olivia staring at her with a wide grin. "I got us some bomb snacks for lunch. Let's have a cute picnic outside on the bleachers where the teachers can't see us."

"Sure, if that's what you want." Bee muttered out with a slight shrug.

"Wow, I thought you were going to go off at me for trying to break school rules like the teacher's pet you are." Olivia smirked.

"I'm not a teacher's pet."
"Surely not after you slept through your entire Biology class."

"Hey, you don't know that." Bee retaliated, receiving a small giggle in response.

"Actually, I do. You're not the type to pull all nighters since you've got your life together, so I wouldn't be surprised if you napped the entire 1st period."

The other girl no longer had a response to that, and Olivia's interest soon got picked by something else. "What's that?"

Bee followed her best friends gaze, leading her to the papers that she held in her hand.

"Oh, that's the biology work for today." She informed, and didn't even fight it when Olivia grabbed the worksheets out of her hand.

"Why do you have two?"
"The second one's not mine."

Olivia raised a surprised brow, before her eyes eventually landed on the sticky note. It took her only a couple of seconds to read it, before she turned back towards Bee. "Who's it from."

"A guy in my class. We were lab partners for today." Bee yawned for the umpteenth time for the day. I don't really know what happened, but he gave this to me when I woke up."

"Aww, not gonna lie that's kinda sweet. And kinda creepy at the same time. Are you guys friends?"

"No. All I know is that we have some classes together, and I'm pretty sure we've been going to the same school since elementary." Bee didn't seem to interested in the topic, but Olivia on the other hand, after some thought, let out a large dramatic gasp.

"Wait, is it that freakishly tall blonde kid that we take History with?"
"Yeah, I think that's him."

"Woah, wait, what was his name again?" Olivia immediately began conspiring. "Pretty sure it started with an R. Do you remember?"

"Not really." Bee replied almost instantly.

"Whatever, although you got lucky that he was your partner. Apparently he's really nice." Olivia nodded her head approvingly.

"Whatever, I just want school to be over and to go home." Bee whined, already noticing the classroom to her English classroom in the distance.

"Don't worry, you'll last just a little longer." Olivia tapped her on the back with a smile, before dragging her along in order to not be late.


After an extremely long nap, Bee could finally feel herself re-gaining her sense of life. She quickly finished up her minimal amounts of homework for the night before zooming down the stairs and into the basement of the house.

She didn't immediately press the Minecraft icon, opening up google instead and typing in 'youtube' into the search bar. Throughout her extensive research the night before, Bee had learned the names of some popular Minecraft content creators. She could now recognize Dream, TommyInnit, Tubbo, Technoblade, etc... She was most familiar with TommyInnit's videos, since they constantly popped up on her recommended page, each having millions of views. Yet his way too energetic demeanor sometimes felt a bit too much for the girl, and she was on the hunt for something a bit more entertaining and bearable than the chaotic 17-year-old.

Whilst watching one of Tommy's newest videos, Bee stumbled upon a name that she'd never seen before. Out of curiosity, she clicked on the video titled 'I may have RUINED Fundy' and began watching it without expecting much,

But throughout the series of hilarious scenes and conversations, Bee actually found herself laughing along with the video. She quickly became a fan of the guy's sense of humor, eventually finding her way over to his channel named Ranboo.

She scrolled through some of his videos, seeing that he really didn't have that much content put out, and then she searched him up on twitch. To her surprise he was live, and out of curiosity, Bee clicked on his stream.

And that's when she became completely hooked. A follow came right after as Bee couldn't help but enjoy every single minute of the solo commentary stream. She was super engaged with whatever Ranboo was doing, despite not having a clue about half of the things he was talking about. His stories made her more curios about the Dream SMP and Minecraft in general, and the girl didn't even realize that she had spent 2 hours watching up until the point where he ended his stream.

This was all new to her, but Bee couldn't help but feel like she belonged. Ranboo fit what she was looking for perfectly, she learned so much about Minecraft and the gaming community thanks to his stream. Not only that, she also had tons of fun.

And after subscribing to him on Youtube as well as following all of his social medias, Bee went to sleep with a beaming smile on her face.

And after subscribing to him on Youtube as well as following all of his social medias, Bee went to sleep with a beaming smile on her face

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I really spammed today huh

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