Chapter 8 : His name

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Weaving through the concentrated crowd of the high school hallway, Bee found herself to be out of breath as her eyes scanned the horizon of heads

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Weaving through the concentrated crowd of the high school hallway, Bee found herself to be out of breath as her eyes scanned the horizon of heads. She was searching for the familiar giant amongst the masses, recognized by his voluminous, blonde, fluffy hair.

And eventually, there he was. At the end of the hallway, by some random classroom door, talking to his usual group of friends.

A determined and excited smile plastered on her face, Bee painfully made her way through the last of the crowd before arriving right behind him. It was perfect timing, as all of his friends were waving goodbye and walking into the classroom beside them.


Perking up at the name being said so close by, the tall boy turned around in shock.

"You're Ranboo!"
"You know, that minecraft guy!"

He completely froze, mouth falling agape. That fully gave him away, and Bee's face lit up.

"So I'm right! Hooly shit." She exclaimed, half overjoyed and half shocked. "You're-"

"Okay, okay, no need to yell it out." He walked closer towards her, lowering his tone. "I'm Ranboo, okay?"

"Oh my god, this is so..." Bee couldn't even find the words to say. "I'm a fan of yours!" 

Ranboo's cheeks that were barely visible under the mask turned a light shade of pink from the embarrassment.

"Thanks haha." He muttered quietly.

"Do you have a free now?" Bee asked curiously, stepping even closer, so close that Ranboo even had to step away.

"Yeah, why?"

"Come with me, you gotta tell me ALL about it."


Ranboo felt uncomfortable under the girl's intense stare, slightly shuffling in his seat. Bee on the other hand had her elbow on the table, chin on her palm, and had leaned so far over the table that it's edge was digging into her stomach. No wonder Ranboo felt uncomfortable- Bee was literally staring through his soul.

"That's so cool." She exclaimed in a now moderate voice after having heard Ranboo's explanations. "I can't believe this is real."

"Yep, me neither."

"And no one noticed before?"

"Not really. Not too many kids into minecraft here."

"That's so weird." Bee pointed out, and Ranboo nodded just for the sake of the conversation. "Wait- why didn't you tell me this when I was asking you about minecraft in the first place?!"

"I-" Ranboo stuttered at first, before composing the right answer. "I'm anonymous for a reason you know."

"Like I get it, but aren't we friends?!"

Ranboo pulsed his lips together underneath the mask, not knowing how to break it to her. Bee clearly noticed and noticed her eyes, but not in an unpleasant way.

"Okay we've talked like 5 times throughout our lives but that still makes us friends."

The exchange made the girl snicker quietly, but she quickly followed it up by more questions.

"How much do you earn?"

"Jesus that was quick."

"What?" She asked laughing. "I'm curious."

"I don't know the exact amount honestly." Ranboo exclaimed, looking off in thought. "But it's not too little nor too much. Like a full time job per se." 

"And the kick is?"

"That it's not a full time job."

"I gotta say," she leaned her head slightly to the side. "It doesn't seem very bad to be a streamer."

"Nah, it's actually super fun." Ranboo began, the smile that began radiating on his lips showing through his green eyes. "I've gotten go meet so many people that I've looked up since childhood, and became friends with people all over the globe. I'm doing something that makes me so happy and simultaneously living on it. Also, I've been in so many events that I never even imagined myself in, and I-"

The boy paused, having noticed Bee's gaze on him for the first time.

"Sorry." He cleared his throat awkwardly. "I tend to ramble a lot."

"Nooo, don't apologize! I was totally into it." Bee whined. "I did bring you out here to tell me about it after all. I'd love to listen to more."

The words were heart warming, and Ranboo couldn't help but feel very appreciative for him. Most of the time, he's met with disinterest when talking about streaming. Even some disapproval sometimes. But Bee was completely different- she was genuinely interested in what he did and Ranboo couldn't feel happier.

And so he went on and on, answering every single question that Bee shot him with with great passion. They didn't stop talking, laughing and having a good time, until they were interrupted by the bell.

"Oh shit, I have PE." Ranboo instantly remembered, only now realizing that the gym was all the way across the huge school. "I gotta go-"

"Wait!" Bee exclaimed, causing him to pause as he was standing up.

The girl took out a piece of paper and pen, hastily writing  something on it and then giving it to him with a smile.

"This is my discord. Add me!"

"Huh?" Ranboo mumbled out confused, as he looked down at the piece of paper. 

"Now that I know your little secret, you owe me something for keeping it." She suggested, a sly smirk on her face. "In exchange I want some tutoring."

"Aren't you a straight A student?"

"Not with that of course! I mean minecraft!" She exclaimed proudly, and Ranboo raised an eyebrow.

"You want me to tutor you in minecraft?"

"Yeah. You can't say no." Bee pointed out excitedly.

Ranboo sighed. "Fine, I will."

"Yay! Now get to class, or you'll be late!" She urged him, pushing him lightly before the boy sped out of the cafeteria.

"Yay! Now get to class, or you'll be late!" She urged him, pushing him lightly before the boy sped out of the cafeteria

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sorry for not updating y'all <3

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