Chapter 11 : A new friendship

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Bee ran down the stairs, her outfit a bit random and hastily put together, and her hair looking like it had only seen 3 combs of a hairbrush

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Bee ran down the stairs, her outfit a bit random and hastily put together, and her hair looking like it had only seen 3 combs of a hairbrush. The girl let out a series of cuss words, that went unheard of under the heavy Korean scolding that could be heard coming from the kitchen. Bee didn't even bother thinking about grabbing any water or breakfast before she threw herself into her sneakers and ran out.

By the time she had sprinted towards the bus stop, the girl felt like her soul was leaving her body as she watched her bus shut its doors. With the last glimmer of hope, she started obnoxiously waving her hands over her head, looking like a total maniac in hopes that the bus driver would notice her and miraculously stop to wait for her.

And apparently miracles did exist because the bus came to a halt, and Bee ran straight into the open doors of the vehicle.

"Thank- thank you so- much." She exclaimed between breaths as she stared at the bus driver whilst she was scanning her bus card.

"You should thank that tall fella over there, I actually didn't notice you." The red-headed man remarked humorously, pointing over towards one of the few passangers on the public bus. "And don't forget to put on your mask, young miss."

Literally breathing like a dinosaur, Bee turned her head to look at the person that the driver was referring to. There, she found those familiar greenish eyes staring right back at her, before they quickly averted themselves to stare out the window.

"You-" Bee began, but couldn't finish her sentence as she nearly lost her balance as the bus started moving. Luck being on her side again, she managed to catch herself with a pole, and breathed out a sigh of relief.

After all of that, she once again looked at the boy before slowly and carefully making her way over to him.

"Good morning." Ranboo greeted her quietly, not really looking her in the eyes.

"Morning. Thanks for telling the bus driver about me. I think I'd die if I missed this bus." Bee rambled out as she took out her mask and slipped it on, her breath still heavy. "How come you missed the school bus anyway?"

"I stayed up too late last night." He responded.

"How late?"

"4 am."

"Oh my god." Bee exclaimed in shock. "Dude, I wake up at 6am, how is it even possible to function on 2 hours of sleep?"

"I wake up at 7 usually, so 3 hours." Bee could see the edges of his eyes rising slightly in a weak smile under the mask. "But I'm alive apparently."

"Barely, as I can see it. What were you doing anyway?"

"Just editing videos and stuff like that." Ranboo shrugged and Bee grimaced.

"Damn, you must be really busy."

"Yeah, I guess."

A moment of silence bestowed upon them, and Bee bit down on her bottom lip a bit awkwardly. She barely knew anything about Ranboo, let alone knew what would get him talking to her. He was completely different with her in real life, and whilst on discord he seemed like he could talk for hours, in real life he barely replied in sentences.

The girl let out a determined sigh. "So, let's talk Nintendo."


"What games did you play on Nintendo as a kid?" 

"That's... kind of random." Ranboo chuckled in confusion. "Pokémon, I guess? And Mario cart. Lots and lots of Mario cart."

"Bruh, did you not play nintendogs???" Bee exclaimed. "I swear, that was the only one I played as a kid."

"No, I never had nintendogs. But did you not have anything else, no Pokémon, no nothing?!"

"My brother did, and I liked them up until I discovered nintendogs. Proud nintendogs player, never going back."

"Are you saying nintendogs was better than all the classics?"

"Precisely." Bee grinned cheekily and Ranboo seemed to let out what sounded like a laugh.

"That's your opinion, but just so you know, it's wrong."

"Whatever." The girl rolled her eyes, a smile showing through her mask.

This time it was Ranboo who felt the pressure of initiating conversation. Sure, he didn't really talk to people outside of his circle very much, nor did he have the time to. But in some ways, he did feel drawn to Bee. The way she listened, how she was interested in what he did- other than online, he didn't really get that kind of appreciation in real life. And it was nice.

That's why he felt like he wanted to keep her around, so he cleared his throat and averted his eyes before talking again.

"So, why minecraft so suddenly?"

"Huh?" Bee hummed in confusion.

"I'm guessing you weren't much into videogames before now. So why do you wanna learn about minecraft so suddenly?" Ranboo continued, still refusing to look at her.

"Ohhhh that." The girl exclaimed, before an excited smile came up to her lips. "Because my boyfriend plays it, and I wanted to get to know his interests, you know."

Of course Ranboo knew about Adrien and Bee, they were a very high-profile couple in the school, but he found her reasoning quite confusing.

"Wait, why wouldn't you ask him to teach you?" He questioned, finally turning to look at her.

"Cause, you know, wouldn't that be kind of embarrassing?" Bee replied a bit shyly, and Ranboo raised an eyebrow. "Like, I felt like I'd be holding him back, you know? And I feel like if I know nothing about minecraft, he'll get bored playing with me, so I just kind of want to know the basics before telling him about it."

"... Right." Ranboo replied a bit awkwardly.

But there wasn't much time for them to continue talking, as their stop had come up, and the two exited the bus. 

"Well, nice talking! Can you play on the weekend? When- wait, I'm late- I'll message you on discord later about it, kay? Bye, have a nice day!" She yelled out as she hurriedly ran off, leaving Ranboo half-dumbfounded at the bus stop.

"Well, nice talking! Can you play on the weekend? When- wait, I'm late- I'll message you on discord later about it, kay? Bye, have a nice day!" She yelled out as she hurriedly ran off, leaving Ranboo half-dumbfounded at the bus stop

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