Chapter 3 : Exhaustion

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"Oh hey girl- Jeeeeeesus Christ

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"Oh hey girl- Jeeeeeesus Christ. What the hell happened to you?"

Olivia could only stare at her friend with surprised eyes as Bee opened up her locker and began shoving in some books and her lunch box.

"Bee? Can you hear me?"
"Hm? What?"

"Are you like okay? You look like a fucking ghost." Olivia gawked, gaze raking over her friend's scarily pale skin, blood-shot eyes and dark bags.

"Do I?" Bee answered in a low, sulky tone as she cupped her face. "I almost over slept today, so I didn't get to do my makeup or anything."

"Did you even get to look in the mirror. Wait, no, did you even sleep? You sure don't look like you did." Olivia replied bluntly, shutting the door to her locker loudly.

"I slept for like 30 minutes."

"I really tried but I just didn't know how to play the videogame." Bee exhaled dramatically, hands dropping to her sides helplessly. "So I continued watching videos and researching and before I knew it, it was the morning."

"I know I talked you into playing videogames for Adrien, but you can't just overwork yourself like that." Olivia's voice dropped into a more worried one. "I have a feeling that you'll pass out right here and now."

"I won't." Bee exclaimed, shutting her locker door as well as she had gotten everything she needed. "And I'm fine, don't worry."

"I don't have a class first period, so I'll go down to the supermarket to get you something to wake you up. Did you have breakfast?"
"Perfect. Then I'll also get you something to eat."

"Oli, there's really no nee-" Bee began, but was quickly interrupted.

"Nope! I'm buying you food, and that's final. Besides, I'm not going there just for you, are you kidding? I heard we're having that rat infestation looking spaghetti on the menu today and I really don't want to starve to death because I ain't eating that for shit." Olivia declared.

"Sure, sure, whatever." Bee agreed with her tiredly, leaning against the locker door with her eyes slowly falling shut.

But before she had the time to doze off, the obnoxious sound of the school bell rung through the entire hallway.

"That's the bell, you should get to class. See you second period." Olivia ushered her friend before walking off.


Biology. Probably the worst class to start the morning.

Actually, Bee enjoyed biology. It was a really laid-back class with little material assigned and with an atmosphere that helped everybody relax. And that was the reason, accompanied with the teachers low and monotone voice, that slowly lulled Bee right back to sleep. Occasionally, when her head would begin to fall, she'd have a sudden moment of awakening, but that usually wouldn't last long as she'd doze off right back to sleep seconds later.

And the cycle continued, well until the girl realized that everyone around her began getting up from their seats.

Thinking that this was the end of class, Bee reached for her backpack in order to leave the room too, but was interrupted as she felt a towering presence above her.


The girl's eyes travelled up, just enough to be able to reach his. His face was mostly shielded by his black mask, but it didn't stop her from recognizing him almost right away.

"Oh. It's you."
"Yep. It's me."

"Can I help you?" Bee asked tiredly, leaning back in her plastic chair.

"Uh, we're supposed to do the experiment together."

"Experiment?" She asked and only then did she take a proper look around, realizing that the other students had already put on lab coats and goggles and were getting settled at their assigned stations.

"Yeah. We'll be dissecting a plant." The boy informed, and seconds later Bee was already up on her feet.

The two made their way to the far back of the classroom, where their assigned station was, and put down their lab papers and pencils. The boy handed Bee a coat, which she wordlessly accepted and slid into, before she adjusted the scientific goggles at the bridge of her nose.

"Alright. So what we have to do is take small samples from the different elements of the plant, put them under the microscope and re-draw the results onto our table. We also have to fill out a bunch of questions about why the plant parts might look the way they do." He explaining, clearly having caught on that Bee had not been listening at all.

"I'll go get the microscope." The girl announced blandly, walking around their station and towards the front of the class where the teacher was giving out the supplies needed.

She then slowly made her way back, setting the heavy microscope down and reaching for the cable in order to plug it in.

"Don't worry about it, I can do it." Her partner suddenly interjected, grabbing the cable before she could and plugging it into a socket. "I'll also do the dissecting, unless you want to."

"Yeah, that's fine." Bee replied carelessly, yawning soon after.

It didn't take long for the boy to get to work, leaning down to carefully begin slicing through the delicate stem of the single yellow flower. He was doing his best to not mess anything up, being extra careful with almost anything around him.

But suddenly, he felt a weight dropping onto his left shoulder.

The boy froze, eyes widening a small inch as his head whipped to look to his side. And there, he could only spot the top of a head casually resting against the top part of his arm. His ears picked up the soft breaths coming from there.

Bee had dozed off. On his shoulders.

But somehow, the boy didn't push her off. Instead, he maneuvered as best as he could around the discomfort and continued with the assigned task, making sure to make it look like Bee was simply overlooking the experiment whenever the teacher walked by.

And despite the work having turned out sloppy, unorganized and occasionally flat out incorrect, Bee's head remained on his shoulder for the entire rest of the period.

And despite the work having turned out sloppy, unorganized and occasionally flat out incorrect, Bee's head remained on his shoulder for the entire rest of the period

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aw 🥺

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