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Location: Bus stop, Oldham

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Location: Bus stop, Oldham.
December 10th

Melani sat at the bus stop rocking the pram back and forth she had signed all paperwork and starts her new course in September of next year.

She wanted to get home before it got too dark and Na'von was beginning to get restless but not falling asleep.

Her fingers felt like icicles the gloves connected to the pram barley kept her warm.

Her stomach knotted as she saw a boy across the road being chased by at least three others.

"oh my goshhh." She mumbled to herself.

Incoming call..Keantae 🤍


"Sorry, bad connection are you okay where are you?" Her heart warmed hearing his voice he was one of the only people that was truly special to her.

"Finally got the first bus. What are you doing?"

"I'm a bit busy, when you get in lock the door okay? And get the thing have it close to you, keep everything downstairs, his blankets and shit don't go upstairs after you've moved."

"Okay.. are you okay?" She huffed

"Yeah, I'm okay just be safe."

"I love you." She said

"I-" The call cut him off she called back but it instantly went to voicemail.

She shook off the feeling in her stomach putting her arm out stopping the bus.

She showed her R-pass (free bus pass for college kids in Manchester)

It was empty so she scored the best seat for women and children.

She tilted Na'von upwards so he was able to look at her.

"Hi baba!" She cooed at waved at him as he smiled at her foolishness "your getting so big Navz."

Tarell Keantae William20:30

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Tarell Keantae William

He sat opposite me, we'd been sat in silence for the last ten minutes, the sight of his face irritated me, my finger itched and rubbed over the gun in my waist but it was too early.

He had his men in the room keeping watch, I was alone it would have been to risky.

I know Melani was or home by now and I knew she'd be worrying about me but I had to turn my phone off.

She had to have been home for at least 4 hours.

Even called my mum, we hadn't spoken since the last time I was there and we may not be close but she shouldn't be 'run up on' unexpectedly though I doubt she will.

Makel crossed my mind too, but Lorenzo took him with him to stay with Kam wherever she is.

So it was just Me, Melani and Na'von in Manchester, I wanted to move her really badly but at the same time she's safer near me.

I was either going home with a smile on my face or injured there was no way I was leaving with this guy alive.

It's just sad it had to be like this, I used to be a little kid playing tig with him and deion and now I was ready to kill him.

"your yute getting big eh?"


"you a got a new whip too." He laughed.

"gift. since you shot mine up."

"so when's the last time you moved anything? because youngers are telling me your taking their bricks."

"they're 7 and 8 carrying coke at 9pm  I don't fuck with that." I told him "I told you I stopped moving your shit after you got your niggas to shoot at my car when my son and girl were inside."

"they're alive, no?"

"don't matter if they are I don't fuck with that so I don't fuck with you."

he raised his hand gesturing for his men to leave.
"You lots go home too, we're moving soon remember."

"moving ?" I ask

"well since your getting me the phone well move onto the next setting, Spain or some shit gotta have money coming from all places."

I agree with that.

"so..the phone?"

I pulled it out of my pocket and slid it towards him.
"A Nokia? My man was moving drugs in and out of manny from a brick?"

"I guess so."

I watched his right hand move over all the small buttons on the phone, his left arm below the desk I heard the clicks of his empty gun almost as if he was trying to taught me.

Sadly for him I was already pissed off enough.

Sadly for him I was already pissed off enough

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*end of chapter

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