Chapter Thirty-Nine: We need you

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The two ships flew over the African jungles. One was a heavily modified quinjet, the other was a custom jet with a massive interior. A troop carrier, of sorts.

"I really hope you're right about this Cap, otherwise we're gonna land a lot faster than you'd like," Sam said as he piloted the quinjet.

"We'll be alright," Victor said from the troop carrier. "I'm picking up massive energy signatures inside this 'dome.'"

The two ships passed through the fake forest and into a massive city, with massive skyscrapers and plains beyond. This was the kingdom of Wakanda.

The two ships landed next to each other. The quinjet opened its rear ramp and the troop carrier opened its front loading dock. The two teams approached the city, and were greeted by the now-King T'Challa and his royal guard.

"Should we bow?" Banner asked Rhodey.

"Yes, should we?" Barry asked as well.

"He is a king," Rhodey said.

"King T'Challa," Wayne said, wearing his batsuit with the exception of the cowl. "It's an honor."

"Thank you."

Banner and Barry bowed in unison.

"What are you doing?" Rhodey whispered to the both of them.

"We don't do that here," T'Challa said. He then walked alongside Steve. "So how big of an attack should we expect?"

"I think you should expect a very big force, your highness," Barry rambled.

"What sort of forces have we got on our side?" Wayne asked.

"You shall have the king's guard, the Dora Milaje, the border tribe, and..." He pointed.

"A semi-stable hundred-year-old man," Came the voice of Bucky Barnes.


Inside the tower, T'Challa's younger sister, Shuri, was scanning Vision's person, discussing with Victor and Banner how to get the stone out of his head.

"The structure is polymorphic," She said.

"Right. We had to we had to attach each neuron none-sequentially," Banner said.

"Why didn't you just preprogram the synopsis to work collectively?"

"Yes, why didn't you?" Victor asked.

"Because we didn't think of it?"

"I'm sure you did your best," Shuri said.

"Can you do it?" Wanda asked them.

"Yes. But there are more than two trillion neurons here. One misalignment could cause a cascade of circuit failures. It will take time, but with Victor's help it will take less than it would have."

"How long?" Steve asked.

"As long as you can give me."

"Hey, Cap, we got a situation over here," Sam said over the comms. A single ship was descending over the city. It hit the barrier above Wakanda, exploding into a million pieces.

"I love this place," Bucky said.

"Don't start celebrating yet guys. We got more incoming outside the dome!" Rhodey said as half a dozen identical ships dropped down in the jungle surrounding the city.

"We will hold them off," T'Challa said.

"I'll power up the Batmobile," Wayne said.

"Wanda, as soon as that stone is out of his head, you blow it," Steve said.

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