Levi's Pain

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Levi's Pain- Listen to Pluto Projector (slowed, rain, vibes, only the violin part) with rain to feel the emotions

I sat in the mess hall with all my friends chatting happily and indulging in rations despite the horror we had faced just earlier. 

Through the throng of people I realized someone was missing, the solem Captain Levi. 

I looked around wondering if he was just lurking in a dark corner watching the soldiers and reprimanded them if they stepped out of line. 

He wasn't anywhere in sight as I looked around trying to locate him with my eyes.

"Hey! y/n did you see how I killed that big titan earlier?" Jean said, his mouth full as he took a swig of whatever was in the green bottle.

"Yea, Yea Jean," Sasha cut in as she took a bite of meat that we were surprised with, "Like she would pay attention to you."

I nodded absentmindedly as my mind was still focused on finding that grey-eyed man.

"Hey, are you going to eat that?" Sasha said, eyeing the leftover food on your plate. 

The food that you couldn't eat as you reminisced today's events, stomach still churning. How could I eat when just a few hours ago I saw my comrades turn into titan food right before my eyes?

"No, you can have it," finally having a reason to leave the table, I left as Sasha and Connie fought for the last remnants of my meal.

I walked through a dark secluded hallway, quiet because of the lack of soldiers roaming around it. Walking down until I saw a familiar door and stopped taking in a deep breath before rapping it sharply. I heard some light shifting and him clear his throat and say,

 "State your name and business."

"It's me captain." I said, shifting my weight from foot to foot.

" Come in," his voice softened as I opened the door.

He sat in the dark with only the moonlight illuminating his features with a cup of tea sitting on a stack of books he kept in an orderly pile. His back facing me as I walked in and shut the door.

"The moon is beautiful tonight isn't it?" I said walking closer to his desk before stopping. He didn't respond, only sipping the tea he had so deeply cherished, holding the delicate cup the mysterious way that he did.

"Captain..." I said, glossing over his regal features, his ever so solemn face still hardened like marble not a trace of emotion on it.

"What is it that you want?" He snapped and only then did he put the cup in its place on the stack of books.

"I know what happened, you don't have to hide your emotions from me." I said, wanting to reach my hand over to touch his, but ultimately deciding to withdraw it.

"I am humanities strongest, y/n. I have to be strong, I wouldn't expect you to understand." He said coldly.

"You're right, I'm weak compared to you," I confessed as he turned away from my gaze.

"Please, let me understand. I hate seeing you like this." I scooted closer to him even as he distantly drifted away mentally.

He went silent for a couple of moments, head in his arms, as I just sat with him. I would give him as much time as he needed, until he could talk to me.

 It took me a couple minutes to realize that he was crying, silent tears streaking down his face dropping to the floor.

"Oh Levi," I finally embraced him, he stiffened but immediately started to melt into the hug burrowing his face into chest.

He looked up at me, his glistening face glowing in the moonlight, his eyes sparkling, until he suddenly looked down again, ashamed of his emotions.

"I lost my squad today." He hiccuped as he talked, finally telling me his woes. " I couldn't save them, I was the only one who survived." I stayed silent as he talked, letting him put out his feelings.

"It's always just me," he cried gripping onto my shoulders as if I could stabilize him as if I was his life vest, his only way to stay a float.

"I know, I know, it's not your fault," I cooed patting his back as he cried and sniffled, letting out all his emotion that he had kept for years as he held up his cold demeanor.

"Farlan, Isabelle,..." He spoke the names of his lost comrades, one by one.

"Y/n," He looked up, his tears stopping decently as he tried to regain his composure. 

" Promise me something."

"Anything," I told him, looking into his gray eyes, and it was true that I would give him anything he desired, realistic or unrealistic, kill all the titans on the island to give him peace, anything.

"Please don't ever leave me alone," He whispered, a quiet moment shared between us two, the words barely louder than the breaths we shared.

"I promise." I told him and he sighed contentedly.

We sat there in comfortable silence in each other's arms, breathing in the familiarity of each other, with a promise in the air and hope in our hearts.


This chapter is only a measly 800 something words. Poor Levi.

If you are reading this then you are one of the lucky few or I have decided not to delete this story, totally might though.

I refuse to call my work one shots so they will be called "moments" like your memory

Another "Moment" will be out soon!

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