The Moon and the Stars

54 19 7


Featuring you and the magnificent Levi Ackerman.

Play Mr. Loverman towards the end :)

You will see why soon, just trust me.

I have an comment that shows when to play it :)


I was lonely.

There was no doubt about it, but I was afraid to admit it to myself, afraid of showing anytype of weakness, I despised being weak.

And it showed.

I trained twice as hard, to become better than the other cadets. I mercilessly beat Eren in hand to hand combat, even beating Mikasa a couple of times. I raised in the ranks quickly, and was put in Captain Levi's squad, a huge accomplishment.

Still I was a Nobody.

I was strong, stronger than most, graduated top of my class of cadets, and still.

I was a Nobody.

And I worked hard, and then I stopped, and then I hated myself for what I had become, unaware of my own goals in life. Then I found the person who made me feel like somebody.

He made me feel like somebody.

Captain Levi Ackerman, burdened by the title of humanity's strongest, the cold demeaning person, was that someone. When I tried with my squad and he would acknowledge me as the strongest, he would show me that even through his strong mask of emotion, he cared about us.

"Hey, Come one," Mikasa said, quickly trying to brush out her short hair and putting on that red scarf she always wore, wrapping it around her neck, "You're going to be late, and-"

"Captain doesn't like that," I answered for her, sighing as I quickly slid on uniform and ODM straps, not even caring to button my shirt up all the way.

"Yea, yea" She slid on her straps, " Even you know it, so you better hurry up."

She waited for me as I left our dorm room, readjusting my uniform, making sure the straps were clasped in the right places, while desperately trying to make my hair not seem like a bird's nest. We walked down the hall briskly, and since we were late today, we pulled a Sasha, grabbing potatoes from the canteen to eat, while we briskly walked towards our awaiting squad.

Our squad stood at the end of the woods, ODM gear on, standing in a straight line. Connie and Sasha trying not to giggle at a private joke shared between them, Jean looking as horse face as ever, Eren looking tired, dark circles under his eyes. We stood in our places as Captain Levi came over to inspect us.

"Today," he said, "Training will be different."

"We are going to work on agility." he motioned to his ODM gear.

The squad let out a faint but still audible grumble, knowing by the end of this day, they would all feel the effects of training.

"I will show you a demonstration," he grabbed his blades, " and you will follow."

I watched his arms move as he gripped the metal, biceps flexing underneath that ironed shirt, muscles groaning.

I saw his hands move as he gripped the sword, the tendons in his hand, watching them shudder under the weight, his scars rippled on his skin, veins popping, fingers curling, as he directed the gears.

His knuckles were prominently white from gripping the gears for too long, the slight strain making them more noticable, a pale mark against his flushed skin.

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