"Can I talk to you tonight?"

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I know it has been a little bit longer since I updated, but had some writers block, but finally finished this chapter.

Dear Eren. 

Thank you

As always music is on the top I would definitely recommend you listen to it while reading and as always enjoy!


It was a long day of training, of hard work and grit, and after dinner, feeling satiated, I trudged back to the room I shared with Mikasa, in order not to dirty the bed, I slumped onto the floor, near the tan walls.

Through the sliver of curtains I count see the faint outline of the fiery orange setting sun, making its wide descent, beyond the planes of my reach. 

I hit my head against the wall, and groaned, feeling a weird sense of being lost, and overwhelming alone.

I jolted in response as I heard an impact from the other side of the wall, and a soft voice coming from it as well.


"Hey?" I asked as I turned towards the thin walls, as I heard the voice of the green eyed brunette.

"What are you doing?" He asks, as I heard loud shuffling from the other side.

I sighed as I slumped even further down the wall, Eren and I weren't exactly friends, we were acquaintances who sometimes caught the eyes of the other looking.

 His gaze lasting a little too long for comfort, but still catching those tiny moments, we both had our separate life, and friends, and yet we sat here, talking.

"Trying to feel alive." I answered to him,

"What about you," I asked, and questioned, "You're all alone today,"

"Just trying to get some space."

"Running from Mikasa again?" I knew what he was talking about, the need to feel free, and the sense of individuality.

His sigh gave me the answer that I needed, and I heard him slump from the other side, and a moment of silence was reached as I thought for a moment.

"You know that she really likes you, right?"

He sighed yet again, and he said, "I know," he took a deep breath,

"I just-" he paused,

"I just need to feel free sometimes."

"And yet you are talking to me, someone who you barely know." I teased as I sat criss-crossed towards the wall.

"Haha," he said sarcastically, but the next words he spoke were calmer,
"You seem calm and cool, I wouldn't mind getting to know you."

I snort, not knowing to be offended or feel comforted by the matter,
"That seems fun."

"Yes, I-"

"Oh sh-" I heard him scramble quickly, and say,

"Bye got to go-"

I heard Armin loudly say, "Eren what, Mikasa beens looking for you, what were you doing?"

I snorted, and went back to lazing around the room, too tired to do anything else, as I heard Eren get chewed out by Armin, our conversation leaving my mind as abruptly as when it first came.

Later in the week, as the Levi team sat and chowed on the dinner meal, sweet potatoes and bread, with some sort of mash, I quietly looked over at Eren sitting between both Mikasa and Armin, eating his meal, eyes downcast.

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