The Monster and the Prey

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For the mood today, a little "Je te laisserai des mots" would suffice.

I know you guys have been waiting for this one, here I present Armin Artlet!

Season 2-3: Very minor Spoiler warning.

il est temps de manger~


In the crisp morning air, the tart taste of strawberries on my tongue, the soft feeling of grass tickling my legs. We lay against a tree, the long billowing branches extending like arms to shield from the sun.

It was just him and I.

It was so forbidden, it was so wrong, but I would lie if I didn't say that it drew me in. I was the monster and he was the prey, and even with my arms lovingly embracing him, it would not change the fact that I was the beast.

But he knew, he knew what I was and what I did, and yet he still let me trace my fingers against his cheek, lightly touching his skin.

He was so smart, so intelligent, and he had found out I was the traitor, but to be true, I had started to let myself go. 

I saw how sad Paradise was, but the people that made me happy were here, especially the beautiful blond boy. He didn't tell anyone, and I promised to betray those who I once followed, all for him, and a little for myself as well.

I dragged my fingers through his sun kissed golden hair and he let out a sigh of content, as we both were at peace in the moment.

 He flipped the page of the book he was reading and shifted slightly, his button up shirt crisp and ironed.

"Armin," I murmured, barely a whisper, but still he tilted his head to meet mine, blue eyes staring into mine.

"Yes?" he asked, his eyes trained on me.

"Thank you," I said, and that was when I remembered.

It was a dark night, and the scouts were huddled in the dark corridor of the mess hall, as worrisome whispers were spread throughout, I sat next to the blond haired boy in my squad as he conversed trying to ease my worry.

"I wonder why they are holding us here," he said looking around, his teeth almost chattering, he was really cold.

I took off my green hood and draped it across his shoulders, my face flushed from the heat, and he looked at me wondrously.

"Aren't you cold?" he asked, I shook my head no and smiled, "Thank you."

"No worries," I said and sat back down, "And I think that it must be something to do with the higher ups, they are all missing here."

"What?" he said, confused at my statement.
"Oh, to answer your question." I answered and he nodded.

"Brats, you can all go to bed." I heard Captain Levi announce, and the grumbling scouts scurried back to their rooms.

"Hey Armin, want to walk with us?" I heard Eren ask, Mikasa in toe.

"Uh, actually" Armin looked at me, and I looked at his quizzes, " I was thinking of walking back with," he pointed back to me.

I gave him a confused look wondering why he would want to walk with me, he just gave me a knowing look.

"Okay, sure." Eren walked off talking with Mikasa, her red scarf draped around her like always and into the darkness of a corridor.

"Here," Armin said, guiding me to another dark corner, " We need to talk."

"What why?" I said as my cape fluttered around his shoulders.

He pulled me into the dark corridor, hallway clear, candlelight flickering drawing our shadows on the walls.

"I know." He answered, finally stopping.

"What?" I asked, nervousness seeping out through my voice.

"You're the traitor," he whispered, stepping closer to me. I stepped back but I was trapped between the wall.

"I don't know what you are talking about," I answered smoothly. "I-"

"There's no use." he cut me off, face inches away from me, I could see his face partially illuminated by the flame.

"You were always a smart kid," I choked out, knowing my cover was blown, " Are you going to report me? Or does everyone already know?"

"I haven't told anyone else," he quickly answered, "I don't plan on it, there's," he coughed, hiding his face.

"There is always just something about you." He answered, still avoiding my gaze.

"We can talk about it in my room." I grabbed his arm and dragged him down the hallway, walking quickly.

And that was how it started. 

Our friendship.

Our relationship.

We talked all through the night, talking about anything and everything, and the next morning our eye bags were so dark we looked like racoons, and again we talked, we talked when the full moon was full and hanging low in the sky.

There were many nights where we talked about the outside world, of the unlimited salt in the sea, the fields of sand, and canopies of lush green trees.

And now here we sat, my hand in his soft golden hair, his head in my lap, the monster and its prey.


For some reason this took me so long to write, even though it isn't very long... Oh no could it be writers block?

Just kidding... anyways, i'm thinking of a little more Captain Levi and Eren content.

Comment requests, or anything, like literally anything..

Votes are also very appreciated.

Hope you enjoyed!

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