Strange Enemies

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THis chapter depicting our favorite Eren Jeagar.

Listen to Falling Down for this moment.

Season 3 & 4 spoilers.

No spoilers after this is present and are not allowed.


I walked through the festive streets of marley, children running around chasing each other, vendors selling their products, the loud sounds of people filling the air. 

So completely different from the world of Paradis, the bright colors, the laughter, the bliss of innocence. 

I walked with the other warriors, head held up high, red armbands showing the status that I fought tooth and nail for, the one that I no longer supported.

After "escaping" paradis, leaving those who I dearly loved behind ,I came back, inherited a titan, and was struck with the fate of this vicious cycle. I went through intense "therapy classes", which was more or less coaxing to reteach me that the devils where those in the island of Paradis, and I pretended to believe them, forever to be the puppet that Marley wanted.

As we were walking Renier got cajoled by a group of kids into buying them food and snacks, I chuckled with the other warriors as the children who were taught the falsehoods labeled as truth, ran around in excitement. 

Zeke, Porco, Peick, and I looked around at the vast marketplace in wonder, finally taking a chance and stopping to look.

Then I saw him.

It was like the world stopped for a minute, I could hear my heartbeat in my ears, the intake of our breaths, the silence of the marketplace, as our eyes met, ones that I thought I would never see again, but also the ones that I prayed to see last.

The chatter of the marketplace came back as he turned his back, walking away, into the throngs of people.

Was he really here? Why was he here? How was he here?

"Hey I'm going to go check something out," I mumbled quickly, almost breathless, " go without me."

"But-" Peick said, but before she could stop me by extending her arm ,the one not on her wooden crutches, I ran, I ran towards those green eyes, the quickly disappearing figure.

I walked pushing people aside, weaving through the crowds, chasing the shadow of the man I love.

He was fast, his dark jacket whipping, barely enough for me to see, but still I followed, as I reached my arm out to try to touch his, but ultimately failing to do so.

As the throngs of people slimmed, he wove through corners and people until we reached a secluded area, away from everyone and anything, a dark corridor.

He stopped, his back still turned away from me, I reached him and I finally stopped, speaking the first words we had ever said in four years.


He turned around, as I adjusted my eyes to his new features, one that I hadn't seen for years, his now more chiseled face, mature with age, and I also noticed he was taller now, and had grown  the long brown hair that had some escaping threads, framing his face, but one thing that wasn't changed.

His eyes were the same.

The same green eyes that I loved, that stared at me when we talked back then, the same ones that held sincerity and hope.

I lied.

His eyes were no longer bright, they were dimmed, all hope and rationality lost, the happiness that he once had, the emotion were all gone from his piercing green eyes.

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