If Love was a lie, What were us?

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I'm back with another chapter.

As always music is above, Happier than ever, because we need to drop those toxic people, because we don't need them :)

It is another Eren Chapter today.



"I love you."
That was a lie.

Those words were a horrible twisted tale, the promise of a brighter future, the reassurance that everything was alright, and the proposal that you were mine, and I was yours.

But even if I had dedicated myself to you, dedicated my heart to you, it wouldn't matter because, my words, my heart, my body, my spirit, was not enough to stop you.

I was not enough for you.

I stared at the smokey window, at the clear droplets of rainwater, dripping from the glass, staring at how each one would race, and gobble up the ones out from underneath it.

I was staring at a particular one that raced slowly down the window pane, and as it hit it's companion, the both danced in a fast waltz, until it reached the end of the glass, crashing, and joining the puddle underneath it.

I was taken out of my gaze when a clap of loud thunder rang through the room in which I was.

I had remembered I was to be put in duty to guard while Hange, Mikasa, Armin and the others infiltrated the restaurant of Nicolos.

I straighted myself, regaining the posture and calm grace of a soldier, dedication not only to my own heart, but a stronger one for the cause.

I stared at the wooden grains on the floor, and thought, seriously, why did they give me such a job? They knew I was capable of many things, and that was to be able to fight.

Humans, Titans, or a combination of both, I didn't even know anymore.

Or my angry despicable heart.

Though, I could see why they did, because there was still that little thought that irked in the back of my brain.

He could be here.

They said that he escaped, and now there was no trace of him, except at this restaurant, where we were finding clues, to figure out how to work this situation out.

But if he showed up, hell if we even meet again, What would I do?

What could I even do?

But to see his face again, I don't think I could, to see someone with such pure emotions, turn into a cold hearted killer.

The last night we met, was shortly after he left us, and that was when he uttered the words,

"I love you,"

And that's when I said those words too,

"I love you.

The days after, the weeks after, the months after, not until a year, did I realize that those words were a lie.

There would be no time for love on the battlefield, there would be no time to think about the people who were once your friends.

First it was Annie, then Reiner and Bertholdt, and I still remembered the way, so vividly, you yelled,


And now.

It was you.

Funny isn't it, how friend could turn foe, and how not really any of us were correct, and even if I still hated you for leaving, you had your reasons right?

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