Chapter 1

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My name is Alizé Christevon Samuel Maldonado, and I am the leader of the superhero rebellion which started about a couple years ago. Back when I was just a kid... (4 years ago) I was your average pre-teen with a acne problem that nobody else had but with the gift of confidence that helped me get through middle school. A while back a new form of power took the world by storm, he made his name very clear to everyone when he shot a stream of fire from his palms into a sky scraper which spelled, BRICKLEE! The worst part was when Bricklee came to Denver because it resolved in the loss of my best friend's dad, when Bricklee was burning the police stations Jesus's dad tried to stop him with all his might but died when Bricklee burned his body into a crisp from the inside out. Still in rage Jesus trained for 2 months with some kung fu guy which led to the event where my life changed forever. I was getting dressed until Jesus called me and was telling me that he was ready to take on Bricklee and that he found out where he will meet me at, "I'll see you at the corner store by west high school." he said as I ended the call and put my shirt on while running out the front door leaving my mom in confusion of why I was running. About twenty minutes later I made it to west and seen Jesus as he was making his way to the building that was being constructed, "Okay so what's the plan Jesus." I say while catching up to him. He told me that he will shoot Bricklee but if left armless then he would do hand to hand combat. I nod my head up and down as we see Bricklee shooting his fire at construction workers laughing at their pain, Jesus and I run up to them and he shoots at Bricklee's back as he just turns around and grabs Jesus by the neck lifting him in the air without any sense of strain. Bricklee cuts his arm and tastes his blood as his frown turns into a smile and says, "Welcome back slayer." Before Jesus could say a word in response Bricklee killed him in the same way of his fathers death, by burning him alive. As I see what is happening I sprint at Bricklee but he just swats me away like a fly off the building falling from a two story height and crashing on a car. As I feel the life draining from me a man in a black trench coat and hood on pulls me off the car as I drift of to sleep.

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