Chapter 4

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I wake up feeling nauseated and see that I am in a hospital, I slowly get up expecting to feel pain but oddly enough I feel fine and walk to the nearest bathroom I could find. After going bathroom I look at the mirror and see that my acne is all gone which makes me re-check and tears of joy drip out the corners of my eyes but my gown falls off and I see that I am very well detailed in my build all of a sudden which I flex and check myself out for a bit wondering why I got all these personal enhancements. Then I remember that I didn't get to stop Bricklee which makes me lose my temper and slam my fist into the wall wall, but the wall shattered and the whole main lobby could see me naked so I try to run away but everything seemed to slow down and take longer until I realized no one was moving! I wave my hand in front of a bald man and he doesn't even flinch, I get kinda scared until I realize this is the perfect opportunity to put on some clothes so I run to the nearest clothes store but I am going so fast while running that everything starts to blur and gets hard to see so I stop but slam through the walls of a store that I never seen before, " stop clothes shop? what kind of name is that?" I think this while reading the board but shrug and go inside and see a man in there in a beanie but frozen in his place. I grab a pair of jeans and a new bag of briefs and put a pair on, then a black T-shirt and grab a pair of socks with running shoes. As I make my way out the doors a loud boom went around me and everyone screamed as a tan color of light shot everywhere I went currently, as I turn around I see that the beanie man raise his beanie and instantly grew a black third eye on his forehead and a weird hologram went in front of him that looked like a synthesizer and I see that he uses it too make everyone stay brain dead for a bit. When he see's me he tries to stop my brain too but I somehow do this switch in my body that makes everything slow down and run up to him and poke his third eye. I stop the slow down and he screams with pain and goes unconscious while everyone wakes up from their brain dead naps. I pick him up and run super fast until I trip and we both crash down into a garden of grass in front of west high school where he wakes up and see's me again, " What the? Why are we at west high school?" I don't know how to reply to his questions so I just reply back with' " How were you able to do that thing with your third eye?" He looks shocked that I know about his secret and stands up shaking. "How do you know? Don't tell Bricklee please I'm innocent!" I stand up and put my hand on his shoulder reasuring him that I am not with Bricklee, he sighs in relief and tells me, " Well pathanks for saving my skin back there at that store , the names Donald. Donald Reynolds." I nod my hand and we shake hands to symbolize that I just met a new friend.

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