Chapter 17

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After we helped Icer out of the wall I gave him the talisman as he looked at it confused at what it will do. "I made it to fit that hole in your chest and it should help increase some of your abilities. I hope." He looks at me then at Carlos as he nods and slide it in. It begins to glow and a boulder of ice formed around Icer and after a minute I walk up ready for anything as he busts out the ice in some nice looking demon medieval armor made out of blue ice and he laughs in excitement as he made a ice ball in his palm and crushed it like it was made of Styrofoam. Carlos gets on his armor and said,"Alright everybody suit up, and did you all see the symbol in the middle of my chest? Yeah its officially now my costume, I also made some equipment for me to use against anyone that deems a threat to anyone such as Bricklee." I release the plasma over my body and before it reached my chin everyone looked at me and Icer Stasis said," When you give the order Alize." I grin and let the mask slither on as I say," The name is Plasma Bullet." And I run off as they all follow the streak of green light leading through the city streets at night, I ran back to them and quickly explained that we should always work in separate parts of the city to get more work done and if anyone see's Bricklee or his group we should somehow communicate with each other." They all nod as NanoHawk lets The Synth drive around in his armored car that goes really fast, and Icer Stasis and NanoHawk fly their way out of there. As I run off into the night searching for some crime to stop or in a better scenario, fight.

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