Chapter 14

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They all started getting in Carlos's car to go and find Bricklee's hideout and take them all down then they offered me a seat but I said," No I can just follow you guys because I need to make a stop anyways." As they drove off I ran to Don's house and searched for a couple dollars in my back pack with the glowing green crystal shard in it which started to glow brighter when I put my hand in there. After I found a few bucks I ran to the corner store and got a chili dog with hot potato chips then left the cash on the counter and caught up with the car which was only half a block away and slowed down by them. "Okay so we all need to meet up at the middle of the city because I studied those photos and seen that they were always near places by the center of Denver." Carlos mumbled to himself," Dang it why didn't I do that." as I give them a nod and zoom right out of there into the city. By the best luck Bricklee was just leaving a restaurant with a lot of cash in his front jacket pocket and I was about three feet from punching his lights out until the reverse me put out his leg and tripped me over Catalina and into a car with a loud obnoxious horn that blared into my ear. "Well look who joined the party, get him." Bricklee said and was just about to throw a fireball at me until his hand turned into a ice ball and got hit with a little black matte ball int the back of his head which caused him to fall into the street where a ton of civilians were watching us fight with some yelling,"Call the police!" and " Kick him in his blazing arse green fast guy!" We all started fighting each other and using our best of talents to go against one another, that ice guy went against Bricklee while Don or The Synth went against Catalina while Carlos went against a guy with a keyboard in his hands yelling, "I'm the Tech Wizard, bow before me!" I start running in super speed and charged at the reverse me as he did the same and we started fighting each other but he slowly got faster and faster until his punches were a blur and I was getting hit about one hundred times per second. Until I yelled and plasma spikes ripped out of my costume and stabbed him in his leg which made him fall to the ground.

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