Chapter 5

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Donald invites me over his house to have dinner with his wife and daughter and we chat along the way. "So how are you able to do that third eye thing?" I ask while crossing the street as he replies back," About two months ago  I was jogging around the city and was passing by the power plant but a loud noise made me stop and cover my ears and a big explosion happened, the force of the explosion exposed me to some type of cosmic energy while knocking me into a car and woke up unharmed about a couple hours later. So do you have any what your name?" Before I tell him anything I think about what I was able to do this morning and narrow my guesses down to two powers, stopping time or super speed. I run as fast as I could without switching that slow mode on and I zoomed out of there quicker then he could say a word and returned with my shoes on fire scaring myself and dabbing them out. "I guess I got super speed or something oh and my name is Alize Maldonado, but I think I got my power from the power plant because a green bolt of light hit me and caused the explosion." Don is trying to process what I just said then says, "So you are the one that gave multiple people superhuman abilities? Lets talk about this over dinner." As we go inside his house and greet his wife I tell him my story of what happened for a couple years. "Wow you have been through a lot to avenge your best friend huh?" I nod in agreement as I tell him my plan to use my powers and stop him myself if that ice guy hadn't already. "Well Alize you are welcome to make a home here because I too would like to stop Bricklee's road of terror, so that makes us a team right?" I stand up and hug him with happiness as I said, "Maybe if we're lucky we could recruit a super team to go against him!" He then asks, "How old are you by the way Alize?" I reply, "I'm 16." Don study's me for a second and tells me to go take a nap because I have been through a lot, I agree and go to the couch in the living room, I ate a lot after running so much today and filled myself up so good my body was begging for a nap as I drifted off to sleep. And then a surge of pain shot through my body.

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