Chapter 25

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As the cold darkness of the deserts of India blow smooth cool air that would freeze anyone to death,  a couple sparks fill the air and milliseconds later Plasma Bullet sprints out of it and trips over the sand and slams into the sand going thirty feet in at least. I moan in pain as I look at my hand and notice my wrist in broken and is out of its place and as it heals I snap it back into place and run up the hole and create a fresh bottle of water with tons of electrolytes and drink it all and run off into the distance reaching back to Denver within ten minutes. I make it home and see that Don is sleeping so I take a shower and let all the stress drain from me and go to sleep to be fresh and ready for whatever is in store for me tomorrow. I wake up refreshed and energized and put on my clothes over my costume and realize that school starts in a minute so I grab my backpack and run to the door of my class, walking in and hoping I'm on time as everybody is talking and are still on their phones and then I realize in excitement that I ran to my school in less than a minute without my slow down speed. I sit through the boring lectures of my English class wanting to go out and fight crime or do something to get my energy flowing. When I finally get to Don's class I see that he is not here but Catalina is and that makes me get a little excited since I found out that I get to marry her and sit next to her and say,"Hello." she looks at me with her beautiful brown eyes as I feel saddened inside my heart because she is blind but yet she smiles and says,"Hi Alize, do you mind if I ask you a question?" I nod yes and realize how stupid I am since I did that but before I could give my answer she tells me,"No need to tell me your answer because I already know what you though, remember that i could do this weird vibration thing that lets me sense around the point Alize I was in a league with a evil person named Bricklee, are you familiar with him?" I say no as I feel a bit guilty for lying but mostly excited since I actually have a secret identity like in the comic books. "Well Alize he is the one who is running America down to the ground since he is the first person or thing known to have powers. I was dating him so he didn't kill my mother and when I became blind he never knew about my other sense but still dressed me in a costume and forced me to do horrible things with him like kill people." She blinks and tears are forming around her eyes but I instantly hug her tight enough so she won't cry and focus on what is happening. As she backs up from me we look at each other as she looks at my lips and slowly moves towards me as I am about to pout my lips but realize that it is not right to keep kissing her for these reasons. So I get up then grab and kiss her hand like a gentleman, then like a boss, walk away and grab my stuff then leave to the library.

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