Chapter 7

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The next day I ran to the mountains without a hassle but with my new costume on getting ready to test out how fast I could run. I stretched then tried out my other abilities I found out about last night, first I looked at a tree and imagined it turning into a big chili dog and it happened but it was about to fall and I was extremely hungry for running over here so I ran my super speed and ate it all up before it could move another inch. Then finally I was ready to run, I got in a running stance and my mask formed over my head giving me the two big yellow eyes and started running normal then faster and faster and faster until everything started to go by me like streams of light then I tested my true speed and made everything slow down and went so fast everything I past by was being shattered or flipped over by the amount of force I was making! I kept running until I started passing by the big HOLLYWOOD sign which made me realize that I was in California, and kept running until I hit the ocean and started to run on water causing a streak of splashes and a trail where I was running. I ran for about a couple more minutes and started to pass by the statue of Liberty which meant I ran around the whole earth, and kept running until I seen Don's house and stopped a block before. As I slowed down to catch my breath I heard my stomach growl and felt a strong urge to eat something right then before I got sick. I snuck into Don's room and put on some clothes so he didn't have to worry about what the goop was, and as I went to the kitchen I ate about 25% of the food they had as they watched me in awe and confusion. I turn around with a turkey leg in my mouth and spam in my left hand and chuckle as Don tells me he had a idea of how to get super people to join us in a rebellion against Bricklee. " Ok Alize I printed out certain fliers that said to meet here at the house if they are interested, and so Bricklee's goons didn't find it I gave it to a couple of super beings that were not interested but knew a couple meta humans."  I hug Don for what he did for me and offer to go buy him and his family dinner since I ate their food until it hit me and I say out loud, " Oh crap I forgot that i didn't have a job!" As Don laughs he pats my shoulder and reassures me that it is fine because he just got a new job and that he had some other news to tell me. " I applied at West high school as a math teacher so we could afford to buy more food and get extra stuff for emergencies like first aid kits, oh and remember how I told you that I had news for you? Well congrats you are now a new student at west high school coming into the 10th grade!" A sudden shock hit my spine making me speechless as questions flood my head but pop out one, " How did you even get my information to get me enrolled?" He replies, " A pal of mine did it for me because I helped him once and he wanted to repay the favor, oh and it may be a little unusual but he may want to join our group because he has some beef with that monsters gang." I nod in agreement as I slurp up the rest of that turkey leg and take a nap to get ready when the recruits come over. As I drift off to sleep on the couch Don says, " Oh yeah and school starts tomorrow." As I moan that I have to go through that torture again.

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