Chapter 02

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"I told you, father I don't want to be around Areum, she invaded my personal space and always shows up when I don't want to speak to anybody." Lee Know suddenly rants, angrier.

"Do not raise your voice at me Minho, you know what happens when I lose my temper, I want you to apologize to her or face the consequences, do you know how much this kingdom could benefit from your marriage with her? We would get so much more trades now that her parents are on our side." The emperor clenched his fist.

"I don't want to marry her! Don't you ever think about my feelings and not the benefit for you father?" Lee Know got even angrier, standing up. "I'll apologize to her, but if she appears here again without any warning I swear I will lose it." He yelled.

"Maybe you would know that she was invited if you didn't sneak out of the palace!" His father slapped him across the face. "What do you mean to benefit me Minho? I am the emperor, everything I do is to benefit this kingdom and our family, If I ever hear those words come from your mouth ever again I will do much worse than slap you." He shouted.

Lee Know scoffed and walked past him. "I didn't want to be a part of this stupid kingdom anyways." He muttered, walking onto his porch. "I wonder how much easier Seungmin has it." He whispered to himself, leaning against his hand.

"I need you to be a part of this kingdom, do you not think of what the village people would go through if they had a lazy emperor? Do you think they want to know that the next person who's going to be ruling doesn't care for the townspeople?" The emperor started getting aggravated.

"I do care for them, but I can't handle the idea of marrying someone I don't even like. More like barely knowing what to talk to as well." Lee Know calmed down a bit.

"You're acting like this is new to you Minho, every royal child has to go through this at one point you're not any different. I've given you so many options, I've brought so many women here for you but you reject every single one of them." Minho's dad explained, he felt bad for his son, not knowing why he chose to be lonely all the time.

"Dad, I like guys... not girls." Lee Know finally spat out, not wanting this to go on any longer, he looked down at his feet.

The emperor's eyes widened and he gasped, covering his mouth. He put a hand on his chest and started coughing nonstop, falling onto his knees. "Doctor..get the doctor.." He gasped for air.

Lee Know's eyes widened and he ran to go call the doctor. "Doctor!" He yelled as everyone rushed everywhere. Sooner or later, someone came and aided the emperor. Lee Know made his way back to his bed and slept eventually slightly guilty.

One Month in advance

Seungmin was sitting in his palace's garden, getting his hair braided by a few kids when his mother walked up to him, holding a basket of fruit. "Take one, oranges help make your skin glow." She took one and handed it to him.

"Thank you, mother." He smiled and started peeling the fruit so he could eat it. "Mother, may I ask you something that has been  running through my mind this week?" Seungmin asked, biting half of an orange slice.

His mom crouched down beside him on the grass so her white dress wouldn't get soiled. "Of course, go ahead." She placed the fruit basket down beside herself and tucked her long black hair behind her ears.

"What if I wanted to date someone? I'm not saying this because I have a love interest, it's just a question I've been wondering about for a while now." Seungmin popped another fruit slice into his mouth and waited for a few seconds.

"Seungmin, if you ever have a love interest just tell me. You've already told me that you liked men and I was fine with it so don't worry, okay? I'm here for you." She finished off his hair by plucking a small flower from the grass and putting it in between his braids.

He giggled. "There's this guy I met when I went to the pub, he called me good looking and I've seen him a few times already but have always been too shy to ever actually say anything." Seungmin closed the book he was reading and placed it on a stone, then looked over at his mother.

"I see, you should be grateful you got these looks from me." She laughed, making Seungmin smile again.

"Thank you mother~ I love you." He hugged her tightly.

Once they both let go she came up with an idea. "Well, how about you invite him over some time? Is he a prince? You can like someone but according to the kingdom scriptures to marry they have to be of a royal family." She said.

"I don't know... He hasn't talked to me enough to give me that much information, I think I should just see him at the pub for now." Seungmin said, he frowned a bit, not liking the rules of the scriptures.

"Well, I have a conference to go to, it's that dynasty I was telling you about. They want to agree with us but you know how I feel about them. They're so violent and tear down all the trees and hunt down all the animals." His mom said, her hair was blowing back because of the wind.

"Yes mother, but we should go inside, I don't want you to catch a cold, we're close to the river which makes it even windier." Seungmin stood up, helping his mom by grabbing the fruit basket.

"Thank you, dear." She kissed his cheek.

"Mother may I head down to the pub? I want to see if Minho is there." Seungmin smiled, getting excited already.

"That name sounds familiar, go ahead, take blossom, I got a few of the girls to groom her for you." His mom pointed over to the white horse grazing on the grass. "Your outfit is cute, white looks good on you." She smiled.

"Thanks, Mother, I love you." Seungmin hugged her, then hopped on the horse, riding out of the castle gates. He whistled a song he heard some of the servants playing on their harps and flutes earlier. "This tune is stuck in my head now..." He muttered.

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