Chapter 13

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Hyunjin walked over to the two of them. "Hey Minho! Who have you got here with you?" He asked, taking the rope attached to Minho's horse and leading the animal beside himself.

"This is Seungmin, the one I'm always talking about." Minho smiled, helping Seungmin down the horse and holding his hand.

Seungmin waved. "Hello, I'm Kim Seungmin. Nice to meet you." He smiled.

Hyunjin looked at Seungmin then back at Minho over and over again. "Hwang Hyunjin," He introduced himself back. "I'm guessing this is that boy you told me you were particularly fond of." Hyunjin laughed, shuffling around a bit because of the horse who seemed to not stand still.

"Yeah he is, he's my boyfriend now actually." Minho said, leaving a quick peck on Seungmin's cheek.

Hyunjin looked over at Seungmin . "Kid, you better keep him because Minho doesn't just settle down like this for anyone." The dark haired male said. "I better get back to work before someone notices I'm slacking off, have a good evening." Hyunjin waved and walked away, taking the horse with him.

Minho brought Seungmin up to his room shortly after avoiding all of his family members and gave him a proper room tour. "That concludes the tour of my room, now I should give you a tour of the village!" He said excitedly.

Seungmin awed looking at how different things were where Minho was from. "Okay! Sounds fun." He replied, walking behind Minho.

7:38 PM

Lee Dynasty Village

"That's all of it, what'd you think? I bet I looked pretty cool holding a sword before as well." Minho said proudly, striking another pose with his blade.

Seungmin laughed. "You're so unbelievably conceited." He shook his head in disbelief.

Minho put the blade down safely and picked Seungmin up, then leaving a bunch of kisses all over his face. "I wish that they would understand how we love each other, there's literally nothing wrong with us being together just because it's new? I mean, if we got married it would benefit both our kingdoms and..."

Seungmin stopped in his tracks and faced Minho. "We should not think about this right now, it's the reason I came here with you. To get my mind off of all this." He said.

"Ah alright, sorry I'll stop now. Anywho, you look very nice today... However, you look nice everyday." Lee Know smiled, hugging the younger.

"Why thank you. I think you look great as well." Seungmin smiled.

"It's getting late... I'll bring you back home, okay?" Minho said, not wanting to let go of the younger.

Seungmin grabbed onto Minho's arm. "No, I don't want to go." He whined.

"I don't want you to go either, but don't you have to be there soon?" Minho whispered, stroking the other's hair softly.

"I also have to be honest at all times but I've failed at that so what's the difference..?" Seungmin muttered.

"I'll let you stay here, but I hope my father doesn't catch you here." Minho finally said, giving into Seungmin's request.

"Yes!" Seungmin cheered. "He wont I promise... kind of? I can't really promise that, but I'll try my best." He finished.

"If he walks in here, just hide in my bed." Minho suggested, then bringing the both of them onto his bed.

"Hm won't it look like two people?" Seungmin asked.

"I can bundle my blanket up into a pile and you can hide under it!" Lee Know thought out loud. "But even so, my father knocks on my door before opening it so it'll give us some time." He explained.

"I see, smart!" Seungmin nodded. "You must have done this a lot before, I can just tell from how fast you thought of that." He laughed.

"It's my battle skills that help me make decisions quickly, but you can technically say I have done this before." Minho laughed as well, wrapping his arms around the younger one.

"Every single time I think you can't get more unbelievable you just baffle me even more." Seungmiin shook his head.

"Enough about me, I wanna hear what you do." Minho sighed, resting his head on the crook of Seungmin's neck from behind.

"What I do? Well, I don't really do anything exciting, it's not permitted. I tend to the plants in my room, play with my pets, go on horse rides, get my hair done by the kids or servants, and play in the waterfall. That's what I usually do in my free time." Seungmin listed at the top of his head.

"It's still something, and it's okay to not do exciting things. Because just being with you is exciting enough for me." The older one smiled.

"You make my heart stop," The younger pouted, his hand at his chest dramatically. "I wish we could stay like this forever." Seungmin hugged Minho tighter.

"I promise we will." Lee Know said, kissing Seungmin for a while before finally backing away, arms still around the younger's waist.

"I hope so, I hate having to keep sneaking out and lying to see you." Seungmin sighed.

"Yeah I hate having to do that as well, but on the bright side, it's not like our parents are locking us up or anything." Lee Know said.

Seungmin covered Minho's mouth before he could say anything else. "Don't jinx it, didn't your parents ever teach you the morals of bad luck? You're going to bring negative energy onto us." He whispered.

"Okay okay, wait wanna see something you probably haven't noticed before?" Lee Know grinned mischievously.

Seungmin hesitated as he saw the look on Minho's face. "...okay?" He said through peering eyes.

"Look here." Lee Know said, taking his arms off of Seungmin and then rolled his sleeves up. He then flexed his arms. "See? I've got muscles." He grinned sheepishly.

Seungmin rolled his eyes. "You're so full of yourself." He was disappointed with the 'surprise.'

Minho then rolled his sleeves back down and pinned Seungmin to his bed, smirking.

Seungmin's eyes widened and he pushed onto Minho's chest in an attempt to get away. "Hehe.." He laughed awkwardly.

"Where do you think you're going, angel?" The older whispered, then got closer.

Seungmin shut his eyes, not wanting to face the embarrassment he just put himself in. "Nowhere.." He whispered.

"I couldn't hear you," Lee Know growled into Seungmin's ear.

Seungmin sighed. "Nowhere." He said in a normal volume.

"Good." Minho smiled, as his dominant side suddenly disappeared. He rolled over next to Seungmin and stared at the younger.

"Gosh you always randomly scare me like that." Seungmin shook his head.

"I scare you? Am I really that intimidating sometimes?" Lee Know asked, now curious.

"Most of the time." Seungmin replied. "Probably because I find anyone from the Lee Dynasty intimidating, you guys are so... straightforward, if that's the nicest way to put it." He nodded at his own sentence.

"Hm, good to know..." Minho said. "Say, do you like anything in particular happening to you in bed?" He asked in the most innocent way possible.

Seungmin turned almost red. "Yes, I like having good dreams." He tried to change the subject. "Good dreams are always nice."

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