Chapter 12

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The emperor shook his head in disappointment. "So now you think it's okay to lie to me? Minho, empress Kim told me about what happened earlier, just because we aren't fond of eachother doesn't mean she's not going to tell me the things you two are pulling while we aren't looking. We're still parents regardless." He whispered.

"Father, I love him. I've already told you I don't like girls." Minho said, now holding Seungmin's hand.

Emperor Lee slapped Minho across the face. "I told you this is disgraceful!" He shouted, making some people turn their heads, causing a domino effect.

Seungmin put his arm around Minho's. "Your highness, this is inappropriate, you shouldn't hit your son here, especially with a crowd of royal families staring at us." He said, feeling bad for Minho.

"What is inappropriate is this relationship! Minho, we're going home, you're coming with me." He tugged on Minho's sleeve.

Seungmin grabs Minho's other arm and tugs back on it. "No!" He shouted. Seungmin's mother came over and grabbed him.

"Son let go, don't be like this, we're on bad enough terms already." Empress Kim whispered to him. Seungmin kept his grip on Minho's arm, not wanting to let go.

Minho gave his father a glare before freeing himself from his father and holding Seungmin's hand again, keeping him close. "You guys can't keep us apart just because you don't support us or just because you guys are on bad terms. We aren't you and we aren't here to carry your problems." Minho finally shouted back.

"Minho you are the future emperor, I suggest you act appropriately, I wont hesitate to punish you in front of prince Seungmin, now lets leave." He ordered a few guards to forcefully take him away.

"Now you're acting as if I can't fight, I literally am the best warrior throughout the kingdoms." Minho scoffed, getting rid of the guards in a quick minute with just his arms.

"Minho, you're making a fool out of your family. Stop embarrassing us, and get into the carriage now." The emperor demanded.

Minho thought about it for a moment before finally making a decision. "Until we meet again angel." He whispered into Seungmin's ear before finally letting go and walking through the crowd.

Seungmin frowned but knew he shouldn't be too persistent and watched sadly as Minho left. "I feel terrible.." He ran out of the ballroom before his mother could stop him and into his room, once he got inside Seungmin locked his doors and laid down on his bed, burying his face into his pillow before crying. He heard a knocking coming from his window all of a sudden and got up to check it out. Seungmin walked up to the glass pane and swung it open, he looked around to see where the racket was coming from, wiping his tears.

"Hi~" Minho appeared out of nowhere, waving. He then covered Seungmin's mouth as he heard a loud gasp emit from the younger. "Don't let anyone know I'm here please!" He whisper-yelled.

Seungmin calmed down and nodded. "You can take your hand off of my mouth now." He muttered from under Minho's hand.

Minho laughed a bit and finally took his hand off the younger's mouth. "Can I come in?" He asked, leaning against the windowsill.

Seungmin smiled and cleared the way for Minho. "Of course, get off there before someone sees you from down below." He whispered. Once he saw the older one get down from the window he sat down at a chair opposite of his desk. "I was sad about you leaving so I'm glad you're back."

"I'm back, I'm back as well." Minho said, hugging the younger.

Seungmin hugged Minho back, not wanting to let go. "Don't bother yourself about your dad, I'm sure he's just worried for you and the kingdom. This will get better soon, I hope." He muttered, not being content with what was going on recently.

"Yeah, I can't get caught here though it'll most likely make things worse. I think I should head back though, it's pretty late." Minho said, letting go from the hug and placing a kiss onto the other's forehead.

"Can I go with you?" Seungmin stood up, following Minho who was walking towards the window again.

"You can, but I'm not sure if you'd want to face the consequences of getting caught." Minho pat Seungmin's head.

"My mother could tell I was angry, she normally gives me space when this happens so i'll be good for today if I leave in the middle of the night to get back home before sunrise." Seungmin explained.

"Ah alright then, come with me then." Minho said, already out the window, then extending his hand for Seungmin.

Seungmin smiled and took Minho's hand. Once Minho helped get him out of the window Seungmin found a vine hanging from the palace roof and tugged onto it to check for sturdiness before slowly and carefully making his way down the palace walls, he landed on the grass and looked around in case anyone could see him. "You can get down!" He whispered.

Minho nodded, falling down beside him onto the grass. "I brought my steed, let's go." He smiled, leading Seungmin towards a horse tied to the side of a fence in the forest.

Seungmin waited for Minho to get onto the horse before he hopped on as well, sitting behind the older. "How should we get into your dynasty without having any villagers or guards suspect me? I look too... nice." Seungmin looked at himself then back at Minho. "No offense." He giggled.

"Here, wear my extra coat." Minho pulled out a coat from the inside pocket of his coat and handed it to Seungmin before making his horse start trotting.

Seungmin nodded and slipped the coat on, then held onto Minho's waist to avoid falling. "You're warm." The younger said, resting the side of his head onto Minho's back.

"Thanks?" Lee Know laughed a bit before pulling his horse to a stop all of a sudden. "One second..." He whispered, then keeping a grip on his sword.

Seungmin was confused but just kept quiet, he took his head off the olders back so he could look around, not knowing what was going on.

"There's a group of bandits here." The older whispered once again. As the group of bandits emerged from behind a patch of trees, they held daggers towards the two.

"Give us all your coins or you'll regret it!" One said, getting closer to them with a dagger in hand.

"Sure, after I do this." Minho said, standing up and sliding his foot under the closest bandit's feet, causing him to lose balance. "That wasn't even much really, I still haven't pulled my sword out." He pouted.

Seungmin gasped as he saw what Minho did. "I don't have any gold with me, I'm sorry." He said, then scrunched his nose when he heard the bandit collapse. "Minho we should maybe get out of here, they usually come in groups." He whispered to his boyfriend.

"Alright if you want, angel." Minho said, then sat back onto the horse, looking back at the bandits one last time. "I couldn't beat the crap out of you right now, but I guess I'll do it some other day." He smiled, before making the horse go through the forest path past them.

Seungmin gulped. "How do you do those things so confidently? I was shaking." He asked, looking back at the bandits until he couldn't see them any longer.

"I say them, because I can actually do them." Minho responded, then stopping his horse at the horse stalls. "Hyunjin! You're here, great timing." He said.

Hyunjin walked over to the two of them. "Hey Minho! Who have you got here with you?" He asked, taking the rope attached to Minho's horse and leading the animal beside himself.

"This is Seungmin, the one I'm always talking about." Minho smiled, helping Seungmin down the horse and holding his hand.

Seungmin waved. "Hello, I'm Kim Seungmin nice to meet you." He smiled.

Hyunjin looked at Seungmin then back at Minho over and over again. "Hwang Hyunjin," He introduced himself back. "I'm guessing this is that boy you told me you were particularly fond of." Hyunjin laughed, shuffling around a bit because of the horse who seemed to not stand still.

"Yeah he is, he's my boyfriend now actually." Minho said, leaving a quick peck on Seungmin's cheek.

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