Chapter 17

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5 years ago, 5:30 PM

Han Dynasty Outskirts

Seungmin was riding on his horse in a new territory he thought was peaceful when a fox ran across the path, causing his horse to get frightened and stand up. Seungmin fell onto the ground, he called out for help until his vision got blurry, eventually going pitch black.

"Hello..? Are you okay?" A man said, Seungmin still couldn't see very well.

Even in his condition he tried doing all he could to get help and decided to respond. "I fell off my horse, I think she ran away, can you help me up?" Seungmin groaned when he slid his leg out from under himself and stood up. "I think I can walk but my arm is cut." He looked at the blood stain spreading over his white shirt.

The man nodded and then helped Seungmin stand up. "I can help you with the cut... it doesn't seem like your horse is here anymore though." The guy said.

"She'll be fine, she was trained to go back to the stables if I'm not with her, I just need to get back home." Seungmin winced, putting pressure on his wound with his hand.

"Alright, I'm prince Jisung... are you Emperor Kim's son?" Jisung asked, now helping Seungmin walk back into the streets with an arm wrapped around his back.

"Yes, yes I am. Thank you prince Jisung for helping me. This was very kind of you." Seungmin tried his best to smile in his current condition. "Am I troubling you? You were on your way somewhere since you came here through the path." The younger asked, treading his shoes along the dirt road.

"I wasn't going anywhere important, don't worry, I was just checking up on the village." Jisung reassured him, then reached a stone house. "Here's the nearby medic, I can pay for the expenses so don't worry let's just get you fixed up." He said, bringing him inside.

Seungmin nodded and they both walked inside, Seungmin looked around the place which looked quite empty. "Where's the medic?" He asked, sitting down in a wooden chair near the doorway.

Jisung shrugged and looked around, then going back to the door and locked it. "I don't know." He said, then looking out the windows and locking them as well as he looked through each one.

"Don't know? But isn't this where you said the medic lives?" Seungmin was starting to get negative thoughts about everything going on right now. "I should go, I need to get home as soon as possible." He muttered, he stood and put his hand around the door knob noticing it wasn't turning. He noticed there was a keyhole and looked back at Jisung. "Can you open this please?"

Jisung walked over and placed a hand on Seungmin's shoulder. "I can, after you do me a little favor..." he whispered.

Seungmin backed up, not liking the close proximity from a stranger. "I'm not in the proper state to do anything, i'm wounded." He winced when Jisung touched his shoulder.

Jisung sighed then wrapped a piece of gauze around Seungmin's wounded arm then making sure it was in place. He placed Seungmin back onto the chair easily and then kissed Seungmin. After a while, Jisung lowered his pants and then ordered Seungmin to get onto his knees. "Suck it." He asked once nicely, getting impatient by the second.

"No, I just met you." Seungmin refused. "You say that as if it's normal, now let me out." He started roughly tugging on the doorknob now with his free hand.

Jisung groaned, now impatient and roughly threw Seungmin back onto the wooden chair he was sitting on and started tying him with ropes. He then forced Seungmin's mouth open and started thrusting his member into the younger's mouth. Then placing a hand on Seungmin's hair, roughly grabbing it.

Seungmin kicked his legs around in attempt to get the chair he was sitting on to move. He managed to slide off of it, freeing himself but couldn't get up due to his tied hands. "Stop! You're hurting me!" He shouted.

Jisung chuckled before thrusting even harder into the younger's mouth and then came. "Thanks for the quick session, and don't you dare tell anyone about this slut." He said, finally letting Seungmin go and then throwing him out onto the street.

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