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Dom found himself amazed as he listened to her incredible voice, taking notice of the way she kept her eyes tightly closed as she sang, no doubt because she was probably terrified being up there. You couldn't tell through. She was acting as if she had been performing for years.

And those lyrics, they were better than anything he could have written. The sound of her voice and the words she was singing, sent chills down his spine. He had never felt something like that before. He thought she was truly remarkable. Someone who was definitely one of a kind.

When he saw her finally open her eyes and her blue eyes locked on his, he knew right then that he adored her. He knew he couldn't live without seeing her smile, hearing her laugh, hearing the way she said his name. It wasn't hard for him to figure out he had strong feelings for her.

Every single time she was near him, his stomach twisted into knots and he felt as if he was gonna throw up, in a good way. She held his whole heart in her delicate hands and he would try to move the moon if she asked him to. He had to show her that he could treat her way better than Dean did, even if he just got to be her friend.

Part of him wanted nothing more than to be with her, be by her side until they took their last breaths. Another part of him didn't want to ruin whst they had completely and risk losing her. He was stuck between a rock and a hard place, unsure of what he wanted to do, but knowing he had a decsion to make and he needed to make it quick before he missed out.

She wasn't the type of girl to be single for long. One day someone was going to sweep her off her feet and make her fall in love with them. They would get married, start a family, grow old together and when they left this world behind, they would know they created something special. And he desperately wanted it to be him that she experienced that with.

He knew he couldn't just be her friend. He had to be more than that to her if she would let him be. He didn't think he could just be her friend and have to watch her do all the things he wanted to do with her, with someone else. There was no way that he would be able to do that.

He wanted to be the one she felt the safest with. The one she would always run to with any problem or worry that she had. He wanted to be the one she wanted to live for. And he was determined to be that person for her.

Dom placed his beer down on the stage before he stepped up onto it, not caring if everyone in the bar was watching, including her brother. All he was thinking about was her, as if she were the only one there. "Madison." He reached out to take her hand when she put his guitar down before he turned her to face him.

"There's something I have to say before I chicken out." He mumbled before he reached up to cup her cheeks between his hands, his thumbs brushing her cheekbones gently. He stsred into her eyes for the longest time, his nerves getting the best of him. He wasn't good enough for her.

Before he had the chance to open his mouth or even lean in to kiss her, Rook jumped up onto the stage and immediately grabbed her full attention, both of them excited over the fact that she faced her fears and absolutely killed her performance. "I don't know why you were so nervous. You fucking nailed it. My best friend is a little rockstar."

Madison turned back around to face Dom after a minute or two, her lips curned into a small grin as she reached out to poke his left cheek. "What was it that you had to say to me, Dom?" She asked him, her eyes beginning to search his for some type of clue. There was no way that he had the guts to tell her now.

Dom slowly shook his head and slipped his arm around her before he pulled her into his chest. "I just wanted to say that you did an amazing job. I'm really proud of you. Honest." She could tell that he wanted to say something else. That wasn't what he originally wanted to tell her.

"Are you sure?" She asked him, but he only nodded and pulled away from her to kiss the top of her head gently. Maybe he would get a chance to tell her some other time. Maybe a time when there are no people surrounding her trying to get her attention as well. He left go of her with a heavy heart so she could go see her brother before he picked up his beer and headed back to the bar.

She couldn't help but find herself staring at Dom while she hugged her brother, wondering what he really wanted to say. If it was really just to tell her that he was proud of her and that she did an amazing job, then why would he say that he had to tell her that before he chickened out?

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