The Day After He Left

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All of the maids and butlers (about 3 of each) were outside of Ichiro's room. The main butler Sato, discreetly walks over and greets you. When you ask him what all the buzz was about, he tells you it's nothing to worry about.

That's weird.

You ask him where Ichiro is and Sato says that he's taking a jog.

That's suspicious.

He says you should just get your breakfast and start your studies. You start walking away and you see everyone continue their chatter as the head maid, Tsuyoshi walks out of your bro's room.

Okay there has got to be something going on. 1st, why wouldn't Sato tell me what's going on? 2nd, why would Ichiro go for a morning jog when he literally snuck out last night? 3rd, why was Sato so eager to get me to leave? 4th why the heck was Tsuyoshi leaving Ichiro's room when she knows bro doesn't like people going through his room unnecessarily? 5th, why was everyone crowding around Ichiro's room? This whole situation is sus.

So you make a u-turn and sneak into a hidden corner that no one will be able to see you from. It's actually really cool.

You have all these hidden nooks and crannies in your house where you can hide and no one will find you unless they are specifically looking for that spot.

Anyways, you wait for the workers (You don't like calling them servants) to leave before you dash into Ichiro's room. It looks exactly like it did last night except it's a bit cleaner.

What the heck Ichiro. I thought I told you to come back. Why the heck would you leave for too long. Father's gonna be so mad. Great going Ichiro! Just great. I bet I'm gonna get in trouble for your mess.

Little did you know, you were spot on. After your breakfast you were called into your father's office.

Now, here the thing about your father. He never, never, calls you for no reason.

Heck, you haven't even seen him in a year now other than on TV or a magazine or whatnot! He doesn't tuck you in at night or greet you in the morning. He doesn't ask you how school went or how you feel. No, he hires people to do all those things. Once he even hired a friend for you after Sato told him that you were crying after Ichiro left for a sleepover.

He works all day in his office and rarely comes home. He doesn't even live in the same house as you. He works in an office in Tokyo for most of the year and travels to meet other influential people when he has to.

This being said, Ichiro and you live in Miyagi. That means that you were forced to get ready, ride in a car for hours to his office, stand in a very awkward elevator ride with employees, and take a 5 minute walk to a hallway that seemed like it would never end.

You don't know why you have to use up all of your energy to come see him. Phones were invented for a reason. This conversation, if it can even be called that, probably won't even last 5 minutes long. You stand outside his unnecessarily big doors that lead to his office waiting for Sato to finish his conversation with father and come get you.

As you fiddle with your fingers, you can feel the curious stares directed at you. People pass by you and stare you down as if to say, "Who the heck are you and what are you doing at our precious CEO's office? He can't waste time with a kid like you." Trust me, you don't want to be there anyways.

Why would they not recognize the CEO's daughter ? Well that's because your father never introduced you to the public. There was a huge fuss when you were born and what not but after that, there's barely been any articles about you or your life. You just stay at home and do whatever your father says like a good little girl. Or at least, most of the time.

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