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You hear a thump and turn your head. You hear another thump and try to locate where the noise is coming from. Finally, you stumble upon a giant gym.

Okay, either Tendou's in here or he's not. But how do I check without drawing attention to myself? Ah! Windows!

You find a window and look through it, seeing a singular person there practicing by themselves. They throw the ball up and run toward it before jumping up and spiking it straight to the other side of the court. You start to subconsciously take photos out of habit.

Whoah. That. Was. Unbelievable. How does he have so much spiking power?!?!?

Completely forgetting you're not supposed to be there, you get up, stealthy and quietly enter the gym, and find a spot in the bleachers. The boy's back is facing you as you watch him practice a few more serves.

This guy is freaking crazy. A beast.

When he decides to take a water break, you snap out of your trance.

Shit. What now? How am I supposed to get out without him noticing?

Unfortunately, you don't get to think about that for much longer as he turns his head and you make eye contact. You flinch and duck down as fast as you can.

Nice going (y/n). You freaking idiot! Why would you duck down? Now he's gonna know that you are some kind of sketchy stalker. Even though you weren't stalking him....But he doesn't know that! Gosh what are we gonna do? It's Kenma and Kuroo all over again!

"Can I help you?" You flinch and swivel your head to see that the boy is standing right behind you.

He was quite tall and looked strong with a nice strong build. He had a stoic expression on his face and olive-brown eyes and hair.

He looks pretty intimidating. Wonder how many people shit their pants when they see him...

You immediately straighten up and bow. "Hello. Sorry for my intrusion. I simply saw you from the window and was mesmerized by your skills. I promise I'm not a stalker even though I have a camera and hid when you saw me. I'm gonna go now. Bye!"

You try to go around him but he grabs your arm. "Do you go to this school?"

I'm screwed.

"Uh, yeah haha. I just took off my uniform."


He lets go and walks down the stairs while you let out a quiet sigh of relief.

Well I guess I can leave now.

You start to leave when you realize something.

Wait- what if this guy knows Tendou? He seems to play volleyball so he might have at least seen him before right? That is, assuming Tendou still plays and goes to this school. It's worth a shot.

"Um, excuse me..."

The boy stops as he's about to serve and stares at you. "What is it now?"

"Do you by chance know a boy with red hair and eyes? His name is Tendou Satori."

"Sorry, I don't."

You deflate and start dragging your feet to the door when the boy starts talking again, "Perhaps you could ask someone else. I don't tend to pay attention to those around me unless they have volleyball potential."

"Ah, okay. By the way, you have a really strong serve. Your form is really good and I noticed you're left handed. That must give you some edge in games, doesn't it?" He gazes at you with an expression you can't read and you start to fidget awkwardly.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 19, 2021 ⏰

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