Ms. Akatsuki-san

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When Tsuyoshi came into your room in the morning to wake you up, she was met with a puffy eyed, heavy eye bagged, sleep deprived (y/n).

To say the least, she was concerned.

Since you knew that your brother wasn't coming back and you were all alone, you decided to get over your feelings and started acting as if you were okay. It was extremely tiring for an 8 year old. As someone who went through some form of trauma, you became "mature" for your age.

Father was being informed of everything you were doing so when he saw that you "got over" Ichiro leaving, he ordered for you to have more advanced classes and you were trained to be the next heir of his company without any concern for your own opinion.

Why the heck do I have to be the next heir?!?! Just because Ichiro left? This isn't fair. They didn't even ask me what I thought of it.


Hey (y/n), since you look like you're getting over the fact that your brother abandoned you do you wanna be the next heir to the company?

No thanks imaginary voice in my head. I may look like I'm good but I'm not. I'd like to avoid the reason my brother left.

Father tried tracking down Ichiro but it proved to be extremely difficult. Apparently, Ichiro got rid of his phone and disappeared into an alley with no security cameras. He got rid of everything that could be used to track him and completely started his life anew. He's 20 so he's technically an adult. Not to mention, he's very smart and physically strong so you're sure he can get a decent job.

But you didn't forget; that your father is a billionaire. With that much money, he can surely find a single 20 year old. And you were right. You actually heard, more like spied to gain intel, that your father found Ichiro and sent someone to retrieve him. But Ichiro refused to come back, and your father just dropped it.

You don't know what he was thinking. But then again, you don't want Ichiro to be forced to come back, no matter how much you miss him or how much you want him to know how much you're hurting because of him.

Anyways, you were put through a lot of 'training', as Sato put it, and was forced to learn piano, violin, martial arts, and other things. However, you discovered that you really like taking photos. The discovery was an accident, really.

It happened when you were 9, a year after Ichiro left. You were permitted a day off from studies and father let you go into town and explore. Now, this was really extraordinary. Father rarely let you have a day off, let alone let you go into town.
You thought it was just because the press didn't really know that much about you and Sato and Tsuyoshi would be coming with you, acting as your fake parents. You don't know who would believe they are your parents though. They look nothing like you.

Whereas you have (h/l), (h/c) hair and (e/c) eyes, Sato has white hair and green eyes and Tsuyoshi has dark indigo hair and purple eyes. Not to mention, Sato is 45 years old and Tsuyoshi is 30. But whatever. At least you can go to town.

You brought your phone just in case you got lost or something. Yes, you had a phone. But, it has a time limit on it and you're not allowed to download anything on it that isn't already there. Father and his subordinates would know if you tried anything, and in the unlikely event you did, you would be severely punished.

You waltz around town, looking at the scenery and admiring the people. One of your favorite things to do to pass time is to sit down and watch how people interact with one another and the environment. Sato told you it's called people-watching. It's hard to people-watch inside your house because all of the workers have calculated movements and actions to make sure that they won't accidentally do something to get fired. Some even get anxious when you watch them which causes work problems. So this is the perfect chance to improve your social skills.

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