New Country Who Dis?

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That night you could barely get any sleep and you arrived at father's office with bags under your eyes and no soul. You do the usual: Sato goes inside, you wait outside, Sato beckons you in, Father ignores you, you wait for his attention, Sato stands by father's desk and also waits. When father finally looks up, he clears his throat.

"We are going to do something a little different."

"This is about my job, right?"

He nods.

"I have decided you will move to South Korea, North Korea, China, and Thailand for your next jobs. You will stay at each location for a year."


"With all due respect, I think a year is a bit long-"

"You will stay for a year at each designated place. That is, unless you want to go back to personal classes every single day and training to be my heir."


"This is not something that is up for negotiation."

"Very well," you give in.

I am not going to risk this for anything. I can survive three years. Right?

"You will be trained by mentors I have personally picked out for you."

Wow, he personally picked them out for me. How nice of him.

"Yes, sir."

"After you come back, you can have one month off of work."

A whole month. How generous. *insert eye roll*

"I expect you to be on your best behavior."

"Why of course."

"Any questions?"

"Can I take Pancakes and Royal with me?"

"Who- oh. You mean those cats. No, you can not."

"Why not-"

"It is not up for negotiation."

Of course it isn't.

"Then who will be coming with me?"

"Sato and anyone else I hire."

"What about Tsuyoshi?"

"She will remain here. This is not up for negotiation."

Is anything up for negotiation?

"Fine. I don't have any other questions."

He shoos you away and you leave the room with heavy steps. You make the decision to make your way to the roof. When you get there, you scream at the top of your lungs.

Who cares who's listening? It doesn't matter.

You kick and punch the air in frustration as it weaves around your movements. 'Yes, let out your emotions. You bottle everything up. Let it all out. Every single drop. That's it (y/n)! Good girl.' You pant in an effort to regain your breath as you lie on the floor looking up at the sky. You fall silent as you watch the clouds float by.

One day, I'm going to do whatever I want whenever I want and no, not even father, will be able to stop me. Just you wait.

You push yourself up and dust off the dirt on your clothes before you go downstairs and to the front entrance to wait for Sato. He arrives after a few minutes and you drive off to the train station. You board the train and after about 90 minutes of chugging and a 10 minute drive, you finally get to your house in Miyagi. The gate opens and you walk in as you take in the familiar scenery.

Gosh it feels good to be back home. If only I could stay here for longer.

You enter the house and Sato urges you to start packing. You open the door to your room and jump on the bed.

I missed you so much.

You get up and go to your drawers. You grab everything and start shoving it into suitcases. The only things you leave in your room are decorations and things you don't need/don't fit in the suitcases. You take a deep breath and hear Sato calling you from downstairs. You drag your luggage to the door and look at your room one last time.

I'll miss you. Goodbye for now.

You trudge down the stairs and hear a chorus of meows as Royal and Pancakes rub against your legs. Pick them up and give them kisses.

"I missed you guys so freaking much. I have to leave now but I promise I'll come back. It's okay, Tsuyoshi will take care of you guys while I'm gone."

You put them down and they meow at you as you walk to the front door. Tsuyoshi is waiting for you there and you hug her as tightly as you can.

"I don't want to leave," you say as your voice cracks.

Tears threaten to spill from your eyes as Tsuyoshi caresses your hair to comfort you. "It's okay, young master. Sato will be there to take care of you and I'll be waiting here for your return."

"Thank you, Tsuyoshi."

"Of course."

You let go of her and wipe away your tears before looking back at the house one last time. You get into the car that will be escorting you to the airport and sit in silence.

I'll miss you. Until I return, wait for me.

You go through all the necessary checks and precautions when you finally get on the actual plane. After a two hour flight, you finally arrive at your first destination: North Korea. You step out of the airport and survey your surroundings.

So this is what Korea is like. Nice to meet you, please take care of me for this will be my long term temporary home.

Hello, Dear Readers!

This was a heartbreaking chapter 💔

Imagine having to move to a different country for so long at such a young age; I could never 😭

Don't mind the chapter name I didn't know what I should put 😓

Sorry I have t updated in a while too. I've been really busy with the end of the school year come if up. I had 2 essays due today and I have to study for finals too.

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this chapter and stay tuned for the next one. It will be a bit shorter than normal but that's because I just don't want to spend too much time away from the actual story.

That's all for now.

Goodbye, Reader-chan!
From your dear Author-chan 😅

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