Finally Back Home

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With some pep in your step, you skip through the gates and through the front door of your house.

I'm home. Gosh, you don't know how much I missed you.

You creak open the door and Tsuyoshi is the first thing you see. You tear up and drop everything before pouncing on her. "Welcome back young master- oh my!"

"I missed you so much!" you sob, burying your head in her shoulder.

"I missed you too," she replies, caressing your hair in an attempt to calm you down. You wipe away your tears before getting up and holding out a hand for Tsuyoshi. She takes it and you hoist her up.

"Um I'm gonna go put my stuff in my room."

You flee up the stairs and to your room before more tears escape your eyes. You open the door and see everything exactly as you left it but much cleaner.

My wonderful room I have returned. I missed you so much.

You flop onto your bed and roll around.

Ah, the sweet scent of home.

Just then, you hear a jingling as something jumps onto your back.

Royal and Pancakes!

You turn around and Pancakes prances off your back. Royal jumps onto the bed and plops down on your pillow. You grab Pancakes and snuggle with her.

"Oh Pancakes, I missed you so much. I'm sorry I left you for so long."

Royal meows and you turn to her. "Well of course I missed you too, Royal. How are my girls? Hopefully you were comfortable with Tsuyoshi taking care of you. I would have been here but father sent me away for so long."

They meow together and jump off the bed. In sync, they stop at the door and turn to you before meowing again. "Huh? Do you want me to follow you?"

You get up and comply, following them as they guide you to the basement.

Okay, weird.

They go to the back corner and stand up on two legs, pawing at the wall. "Is there something there? Is it in the walls?"

You lean forward and press your hand where their paws previously were. A small part of it pushes into the wall and you hear something click.

No way, did they find another secret room or compartment?

You get up and push the wall as it opens like a door and reveals a narrow hallway.

No freaking way. How did they find this?!?! Should I go in? It's kinda creepy though. But then again, who knows when the next time I'll have a chance to do this in secret? That's it, I'm going in.

You walk through the opening and pull out your phone's flashlight. You tiptoe through the short hallway until you come to an intersection.

Should I go left or right? I'm gonna go right first then I'll come back to check the left.

You make a right turn and walk for a bit more until you hear a scratching sound behind you. You whirl around, scanning every centimeter of the hallway with your flashlight.

The Chaos Around Me: Haikyuu x FEM ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now