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The next day, you're dropped off at a building for another photoshoot for high school volleyball players. This time it's some team called Karasuno. Apparently they are stationed back in Miyagi but they're here for nationals(?) You decide to stay today because you can't learn everything you need to know about photography by wandering around and taking random pictures.

You watch the players step up and follow the manager's instructions for poses. You find it fascinating how much range there is between the players. One has big muscles and another one is more lanky. And there's one guy that catches your attention.

He's a spiker (hitter) but he's really short. You think it's really cool how he goes against the standard spiker (hitter) that's supposed to be tall and strong. He had messy black hair and is number 10 on the team. He seems really friendly and social as he interacts with his team.

He notices you staring at him and walks up to you.

"Hey there. I noticed you looking at me. My name is Udai Tenma. It's nice to meet you."

"Hello, sir. Nice to meet you too," you say while bowing. "My name is (l/n) (f/n). Pleasure to make your acquaintance."

He flinches at your formal tone and rubs the nape of his neck as a light blush appears on his face. "There's no need to be that formal. I'm probably not that much older than you. You can just drop the sir."

"As you wish, and feel free  to do the same towards me, Udai-san."

"Will do, (y/n)-chan."

Not the 'chan' again.

"So, (y/n)-chan. What are you doing here?"

"I'm a student photographer."

"Whoa! Really? That's so cool! I can't believe someone as young as you is already a student photographer. Kind of makes me feel old."

"You are quite young, Udai-san."

He stares at you admiringly and holds his hand out for a high five. You gently hit your hand against his and he smiles. You can almost see the sparkles surrounding him.

"You know, (y/n)-chan. I just met you and know nothing about you, but I have a feeling you're one of the best photographers here. Or at least, you will be in a few years."

You didn't know if he meant it or if he was just being polite, but it was nice.

"Hey, (y/n)-chan."


"If you aren't busy, then how about you come to our game on Sunday."

"I would like that. Thank you, Udai-san."

He smiles again when his coach calls him over. He says goodbye before jogging away. You watch as his coach hits him on the back and scolds him.

You text Sato and he gets permission from your father for you to go. You spend the rest of the day observing the camera crew and learning from whomever wouldn't ignore you. Sato comes to pick you up at 5 as per usual and you tell him about all the players you met.

Maybe I should work more often.

Hello there, Dear Reader!

Sorry this chapter is so short 😖 I had to get through Karasuno before I proceed to what I have planned for the next chapter 😏

I don't have much else to say so...

Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

Goodbye Reader-chan!
From your dear Author-chan. 🥴

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