4 Year Debrief

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POV: Narrator

And so (y/n) spent 4 years learning in the designated areas her father had instructed.

She was kept under strict surveillance and her every moment was monitored. She was prohibited from exploring under the order that she needed to focus on learning.

It was a somewhat miserable 4 years for (y/n). She wasn't allowed to contact any of her friends and she wasn't allowed to be alone for even a second unless she was asleep. Every place she stayed was under heavy security and she barely got a moment to herself. She couldn't even go to the bathroom without an escort.

Why her father was doing this she did not know. Maybe it was because she was his only heir? Or was it because she was his only daughter? Perhaps it was because she was in a foreign country? Whatever the reason was, she did not enjoy it at all.

On the bright side, she learned a lot of new techniques and perspectives. She expanded her range of learning from just volleyball photoshoots and so to nature and everyday life. It felt to her as if she was wandering around like in Japan, just with a mentor to give her advice and teach her new things.

(y/n) enjoyed learning about new cultures and traditions from the different places she visited but it was hard to appreciate the trips to their full potential when a simple townsperson couldn't walk up to her without bodyguards swarming her.

The only comfort she could find was ranting to Sato whenever they would find themselves relatively alone. He would quietly listen to what she had to say and reassure her.

Her vocabulary would expand to great lengths as she actively had to communicate with the people around her who all spoke a different language than her native one.

Everyday she endured because of two things. The first was that once she went back to Japan she would get a month off of all activities including photography and private classes for everything else. The second was that she would finally return to the place where everyone she knew and loved was.

It was at the age of 13 when she was allowed to return to Japan after 4 years away from home.

(y/n) couldn't stay still on the 6 hour flight as she eagerly awaited returning to the place with all her fondest memories. When they finally landed, she rushed to gather all their luggage and get home as soon as possible.

Finally, I'm back.

Hello, Dear Readers!

This chapter is very short because I didn't really want to spend too much time agonizing over a part of the story where nothing really happens.

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed!

Goodbye Reader-chan!
From your dear Author-chan! ✌🏾

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