Hang Out

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The next few days you follow a loose schedule: Get ready in the morning, go to "work" with Sato, wait until Sato leaves before wandering to Tendou's school, hang out with Tendou before he has to go back to school, drift around taking pictures, return to 'work', talk with Tendou until Sato comes, wash up and eat dinner, talk with Tendou on the phone, and go to sleep. Without realizing it, you got accustomed to doing this everyday. When the weekend came, you didn't know what to do.

You had begun to be used to seeing Tendou everyday for the past week so you were kind of bored by yourself. You spent all of Saturday outside taking pictures with the camera you "borrowed". On Sunday you were informed by Sato that Senshu had been fired because of multiple complaints from his camera crew and losing a camera.

You were to go to Tokyo for your lessons and move to different prefectures every week for your lessons.

Great. Just great! Sarcasm if you can't tell. How am I supposed to see Tendou if I'm all the way in Tokyo. On top of that, I'm supposed to stay there all week. I won't be in Miyagi for a week! Not to mention, because of that Old Man Senshu, father is making me transition between mentors every single week all around Japan. What the actual heck! I probably won't be able to see Tendou weeks at a time now. This freaking sucks. Speaking, or should I say thinking, of Tendou, I should probably tell him what's up.

So you go to Sato and ask him if you can go to town. He agrees to let you go by yourself when you tell him you are going to be with Tendou. You take your backpack with some money, a volleyball, and extra clothes (in case it rains or whatever) as well as your camera. You call Tendou and ask him if he can meet you at his school. He agrees and you wait for him at the back by the gate. You plan on spending the whole day with him before you have to go to Tokyo. You crouch down and look at the floor while waiting for Tendou when you hear footsteps. You look up and there he is.

"Hey, (l/n)!"

"Hey, Tendou."

"So why'd you wanna hang out today? Not that I mind."

I guess this is a good time to tell him.

"I'm going to Tokyo tomorrow."


"It's not forever. Just for the week. And then I'm gonna go somewhere else so I don't really know when I'm going to see you next. I wanted to spend the whole day with you before I leave tomorrow."

He stares at you and you offer him a smile.

He looks away and answers, "I'm not happy that you're leaving but I'm glad you told me. I'll make sure to enjoy today as much as I can."

He looks back at you and smiles; earning a beam from you. You explain to him what you planned on doing: First you would go to the park and play volleyball. Then you would go somewhere to eat lunch. Then you would do whatever Tendou wants. What you didn't tell him, is that you would be taking photos the whole day and printing them. You would print doubles so you would have something to remember your first playdate by.

So you walk to the park and you place your camera and backpack on a bench before taking out the volleyball and playing with Tendou. You play for about 2 hours; spiking,  receiving, and setting the ball to each other. Tired, you tell him you're going to take a short break by the bench. You sit down and grab my camera before snapping a shot of Tendou when he wasn't looking. You sling the camera strap around your neck before grabbing your backpack and heading back to Tendou.

You agree to take a lunch break and you walk to Mcdonalds. You order food and joke around while eating. He figured out that you were taking pictures but he didn't mind. You got a few shots of Tendou with fries sticking out his mouth and ice cream on his nose (we decided to get ice cream early). You offered to pay, with some resistance from Tendou but like it's not he had any money on him, and you strutted out the store.

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