The Boy Who's Red

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You started working for your father 8 hours every weekday. You still had classes and training after your "shift" though.

Why must I be tortured like this? 8 hours of work and classes? I don't know how people do it.

It's exhausting, sure, but you have a lot of fun being able to do something that you want. At least, you were having fun until you arrived at your new job for the first time. There are people running around, carrying cameras, yelling orders, and setting up camera angles and equipment. You were at some rich high school that is pretty well known across Japan, and yet you don't know what that 'famous' name is. Oh well. According to Sato, you should start off small.

Uhhh this doesn't seem that small to me but oh well. I'm not complaining.

Sato leads you to the director who you are to learn from. He's tall with scraggly black hair and dark brown eyes under his glasses. His name is Hisashi Senshu (or at least that's what Sato told me). He looks like he's in his late 30's to early 40's aka old.

He has some papers in his hand and is arguing with one of the crewmen. Sato walks over to him and tapps him on his shoulder.

Senshu turns around and yells, "WHAT?!"

Unfazed, Sato just steps to the side, revealing you to Senshu, and tells him, "This is young master (l/n). I believe you were informed that you were to train her, yes?"

He has a shocked look on his face before it twists into a polite smile, "Ah, yes. The young master. Welcome. I'm terribly sorry for my rudeness just now. Some people-" He turns around to glare at the crew man, "-don't know how to do their jobs properly."

"Very well. I will leave the young master in your care. I'll be back at 5 to pick her up."

Sato turns around and leaves you with the angry man. As soon as he's out of sight, Senshu turns to you and smiles.

"Listen here little girl, you are going to leave me alone and do whatever you want away from here. You can go wherever you want and do whatever you want, but let me just make one thing clear. You are not to be on this set or disturb me or any of my men. Got it?"

What is wrong with this old man. If he's not gonna treat me with respect, then I'm not gonna treat him with respect.

"No. What's going to happen is you are going to teach me about photography," you set him straight; flashing him a fake smile.

Anger overtakes his features as he glares at you, "You little bitc-"

"You wouldn't curse in front of a little girl like me, would you?"

He's absolutely furious. You could almost see the steam coming out his ears. "I don't care who you think you are. I'm the boss here which means you will be following my orders. And if you decide to go against them, then you better be ready to face your father and explain why you couldn't follow simple instructions."

Who does this old man think he is? As if you can use my father against me. You know what, I don't even want to learn from this senile geezer anymore.

"I don't know what makes you think my father would take your words over mine, but you are clearly delusional. I don't really want to learn from someone who has a screw loose, therefore, I'm going to ignore your insults. Afterall, I wouldn't want to push an insane grandpa to his limits. Isn't that right, old man."

You soak in the look of pure rage on his face before crisply turning around and walking away.

If you aren't going to teach me, then I'll have to teach myself.

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