Volleyball Workshop

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The next day, Sensei comes back to work feeling better and you're given free time after work to do whatever you want until supper. You finish work pretty early so you decide to do what you always do, wander around the city. With your newfound skills, you thought it would be a perfect opportunity to get some high quality photos to add to your collection.

You end up at this random building where you hear people inside, so you open the door to check it out. Next thing you know, you're being pushed to a counter and then a pair of shoes are shoved into your chest and you're told to put them on. You slip them on your feet and stand in a corner with absolutely no idea what just happened.

Ummm where the heck am I and why am I here?

(A/N: Shhh. It's all part of the plan (ʃƪ¬ ‿ ¬))

(You: ( ಠ◡ಠ ))

Some man walks up to you and asks what position you play (?!?). You tell him any and he nods before walking away.

Okay...What now?

Suddenly, you feel a hand on your shoulder as you are being dragged away.

Uhhh what the heck?!?

The hand lets go and you find yourself standing among a bunch of boys.

What the actual heck.

You look around and see a tall kid with dark skin and bored eyes. Two boys who look identical are analyzing him; the only difference between the two being their clothes, one was wearing a yellow sweater and the other purple, and their eyes. One had brown eyes and the other gray.

Wait a minute, I know those kids. They're the ones who were yelling in the park yesterday! Spoiled my appetite.

You watch as they converse before you feel another hand on your shoulder.

Seriously, what now?

You turn around and see a lady looking at you with concerned eyes. "Hello, what's your name?"

"Hello, ma'am. My name is (l/n) (f/n)," you bow as you introduce yourself.

"Nice to meet you. (L/n)-chan, I believe you are not supposed to be here. Are you lost?"

"I'm not sure, ma'am. I was pushed here and someone gave me shoes and asked me what position I play."

"Oh! Are you here for the program?"

"I don't believe so. It wasn't my intention to be here."

She looks at you for a long moment before motioning you to follow her. She walks you over to some guy before explaining your situation to him. He nods as she talks and when she's done he looks at you. You give him an awkward smile and he looks you up and down.

"Hello. Do you have any parents or guardians you could contact to come pick you up?"

"I can just get a taxi, sir."

He shakes his head disapprovingly before scolding you, "A child such as yourself shouldn't travel on your own. It's way too dangerous. If you tell me your guardian's number I can call them to come pick you up."

"It's okay, sir. I can call him myself." You weren't about to give Sato's phone number to a random person you just met when you had your own phone.

"Very well," he agrees as he walks away to do whatever it is he needs to do.

The kind lady that brought you here ushers you to a room where you can call Sato. On the way she tells you about the volleyball program they are having here and how it's a shame you couldn't join. You casually nod your head, not really listening and slip into the room she showed you to.

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