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So it's the next day and you just realized that you told Kenma and Kuroo that you might play with them again but you didn't even give them your number to call you when they want to hang out.

I'm an idiot. Whatever, I'll just go to the cafe that I went to last time. Wait a minute- I really am an idiot. I don't even know where that cafe is. I just searched the nearest internet cafe last time. And I didn't even look at the name- Jeez. I hate myself. Maybe I'll randomly bump into them again if I walk around Tokyo? Oh what am I kidding myself. I'll just walk around and if I see them then great. If I don't- then oh well. That's life.

So when Sato dropped you off, you drifted around Tokyo yet again. You spent almost the whole day walking around before you started to lose hope.

You lean against a random building when you hear squeaking and thumping. You get up and stare through one of the windows and see some kids playing volleyball.

I guess I stumbled upon a gym.

You continue watching and suddenly see two very familiar boys walk out of the changing room.

Kuroo and Kenma?!?! They play volleyball???

You stare at them and they must have felt something because they both look at the window you were at, and you duck as quickly as you can.

Wait, why am I hiding? Oh, maybe because it might seem like I'M FREAKING STALKING THEM. But wouldn't hiding make it creepier? Maybe I should just reveal myself. But what if I'm bothering them. I mean this is practice for them. But maybe they'll be glad to see me. Or is that just my false hope talking? Or maybe-

"What are you doing?"

You jump up and see Kenma staring at you. "I-uh. I'm just...uhhh-"

Come on brain! Now's not the time to malfunction. ;-;

You look around and see some flowers behind Kenma when an idea strikes you. "I'm just here to take pictures of those flowers! Yup! Just here for the flowers. They're so pretty. Peonies were they called? I just love peony flowers."

He looks at you suspiciously before turning to look at the flowers and back at you. "Then why were you staring at me and Kuroo?"

"Oh-you saw me? Uhh I mean- I was just surprised that you guys were here too haha."

"And why were you on the floor?"

"Why was I- um I was just admiring the cement. Yup, admiring the cement. Nice job they did when making it."

"The cement is cracked."

"I knew that."

I did not know that.

You nervously rack your brain for another excuse when the door behind Kenma opens. "Aye, Kenma. What's taking so long? Coach has been-oh! Hey (y/n)-chan! What're you doing here?"

You wave to Kuroo and Kenma turns to him. "She was stalking us."

"Was not! I told you I was taking pictures of flowers."

"And admiring the cracked cement?"


Kuroo looks at you like you're a weirdo and grabs Kenma by the shoulder. "Anyways Coach is asking for you Kenma. Don't think you can get out of practice."

He pushes Kenma towards the door and turns to you once Kenma's inside the gym. "So what were you really doing?"

"What do you mean?"

"I know you weren't stalking us, at least I think you weren't, and I know you weren't doing whatever else you said."

"Fine. I was walking around and I stopped here to rest."

The Chaos Around Me: Haikyuu x FEM ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now