Old Coach Ukai

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You get to the house father provided and go straight to your temporary room. It's kind of a mess. An organized mess. But still a mess.

Man, I should clean this up but I don't feel like it. But I have to leave tomorrow night. But I'm pretty tired. But I'm gonna be tired again tomorrow. But I have to get up tomorrow to watch the match so I can clean it then. But I might not have enough time. But I don't wanna do it now. You know what, I'll organize my outfit for tomorrow right now and clean up tomorrow. It's just a volleyball match so I can be casual. Right?

You grab a (f/c) hoodie, black leggings, a (f/c) cap, and some sneakers.

That should be enough. I'll just wear some random t-shirt under my hoodie. I probably won't take it off anyways.

You set your clothes to the side, lay down, grab a manga off your nightstand, and start reading. You wake up the next day with your phone dead and your manga on the floor. Basically, you passed out reading and your phone wasnt charging. You look at the clock and see it's almost 8 am.

Dang, since when did I wake up this early? Maybe I should clean my room now while I still have energy? Wait- when does the match even start? In the afternoon, right? I think 12 is the right time.... Whatever. I'll just clean.

You scramble under the tangled mess of blankets until you eventually fall on the floor. You get up and throw the covers on the bed before going to the bathroom to get ready, take a quick shower, brush your teeth, brush your hair, and change your clothes. You spend 30 minutes cleaning before going down to breakfast and then you wait in your room reading manga until it's 12 pm. You run down the stairs before putting on your shoes and saying goodbye to Sato and Tsukuyomi. You find a taxi and give the driver the location before slightly relaxing. You reach the stadium before jumping out (after paying the driver) and approaching the entrance. You get there and see basically no one.

Okay, so either I'm late or I'm early. I swear if I'm early-

"Excuse me, girl. Can I help you?"

Snapping out of your thoughts, you look to your left and see a man standing there. He appears to be in his late early 30's and he has curly black hair and stale brown eyes. The only prominent feature on his face was the mole on his nose.

"Hello, sir. I am here for the match Karasuno is playing in."

He looks you up and down before stating, "It hasn't started yet. You are an hour early."

I'm sorry, WHAT. I really am an idiot. What am I supposed to do for a whole hour?

"Are you perhaps a relative of one of the members on the team?"

"No, I was invited here."

He looks you up and down once more before snorting.

You have a problem?!? Cause if you do I'll gladly fix it for you- Calm down y/n. Deep breaths.

"Excuse me?" you say, plastering a sickly sweet smile on your face.

"By whom were you invited?" he asks, ignoring your previous question.

I'm starting to get a bit angry. Why does it matter who invited me? Or is it because I'm only 9?

"None of your business old man."

You can practically see the tick mark appear on his forehead as he forces a smile on his face. "Who are you calling an old man you little-"

Why does this situation feel familiar?

"Hey! (y/n)-chan!" Both you and the man turn your heads and you see Udai-san jogging over. "Greetings, Udai-san."

The old man looks between you and Udai-san before walking away with an irritated look on his face.

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