Chapter 6

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Peyton's POV:

It was Chritsmas day.

Christmas was always my favorite holiday. Growing up, I never had a traditional Christmas, where you'd get up bright and early, excitement bubbling in you. Presents wrapped all perfect under the Christmas tree and the cookies half eaten. No, my Christmas was the one day where I'd do something for me. The one day where I wasn't constantly overthinking about my dad or Rio. Cara and I would go to the mall and spoil ourselves with gifts for each other.

This Christmas was slightly different, I called Cara earlier before coming in to work. She said she missed me and hoped I'd be back soon. I knew I couldn't go back to my apartment in Cleveland but Cara could definitely come visit me whenever I go. Maybe I'd go to Paris. I always wanted to ever since I was a little kid.

My trip at the BAU was coming to an end. In a week, I'd steal the file the FBI had on Rio's dad and never look back. I still hadn't told Spence. I couldn't ruin this for Rio. And no matter how much I loved Spence, I always knew I couldn't be with him. Spence liked to call me angel but he was a good person, he didn't need a fallen angel like me. I'll never be good enough. I guess my dad was right, people like me didn't get to be with people like Spence.

So, I enjoyed my first Christmas with him as much as I could without my intrusive thoughts ruining it.

What he didn't know was that it was my last Christmas with him too.

"Spence, slow down! We're gonna fall!" I screeched. He decided to take me ice-skating. The bright Christmas lights shone at us as Spence ran around holding my hand.

"You're not going to fall, trust me." With that his hand wrapped around my waist and he spun me around, taking me by surprise.

"With the angle of our skates and the pressure grounding onto the floor because of the blades, it actually makes it about a three in a hundred chance that we would potentially slip and fall."

I giggled at his rambling, his smile widening as he looked at me.

"My snowman and me.." I sang along, as he pulled me closer. Awkwardly, we slow danced. It really didn't look like that from afar because none of us could skate properly. So, we just wobbled around the rink, my head rested on his chest. But it was perfect, our clumsy movements and Spencer's tone deaf singing as we screamed the lyrics to Snowman by Sia. Oh, what I would give to stay in this moment forever.

It won't last, don't get too happy.

I sighed, my intrusive thoughts making a comeback. Spencer brushed the hair out of my face, and I smiled weakly at him.

What was he thinking, because there's always something going through my brain but he always seems... blank. He'd told me about his past girlfriends. How Maeve died at the hands of yet another killer. I was going to end up tearing him apart when I left. He was going to hate me. But if that means he'll move on, Spence can gladly despise me for all of eternity. I know I'm going to because of everything I put him through.


Over the past week, I managed to sneak into Hotch's office. Using my lock-picking skills, I easily unlocked the cabinet and searched for the key to the Archives Room. My tongue sticking out of my mouth slightly as I concentrated on trying to find it. Yet another habit I had picked up from Spencer.

There it was, A miniscule silver key, a small tacky note stuck on it. Archives Room 23 F6. Expertly, I tied my hair back and hid the key behind my ear. This was it. I really was doing this. I had spent a whole four months with the BAU. Reporting back to Rio every once a while like the traitor I am.

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