Chapter 1- An unexpected turn of events

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An unexpected turn of Events♡

8:30pm, 18th of October, 2020, Seoul, South korea

"Don't stress yourself, a natural smile is all that's required" I said, to the man sitting in front of me in a calm yet annoyed tone.

His facial features are quite sharp, his blackish brown locks cover the left half of his forehead, cheekbones soft, honey brown skin, nose bridge pointed but his ears is what's drawing my attention for quite a while. The helix of his left ear is twisted quite differently than usual, which looks like someone twisted his ear really hard when he was in feotal stage, it's funny but not now when this man is annoying me with his stubbornness.

And why wouldn't I be annoyed I was supposed to travel back to Busan, to give a surprise visit to my parents only if it wasn't for this man who's grinning like a maniac in front of me now.

"Ha-ha-haaa-ha" and he did burst into laughter, aaaaah, this sick man.

"Ha-ha-haaa-ha" and he did burst into laughter, aaaaah, this sick man

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♡Laughing Lee Min Ho♡

"You've been giving me that death glare for quite a while, as if I'll just die because of those two eyes of yours" Lee min ho said, while laughing so hard that he stumble on the stool he was seated on.

"You're enjoying this, aren't you?", I threw another death glare at him as if it'll work this time and he'll turn to ashes anyhow for real but my bad he didn't.

"If you weren't my only friend and regular client, I would really not mind poking those eyes out of sockets with a this mechanical pencil alone." I said, releasing a tired sigh, pointing my pencil towards his face.

" I've known you for a year but I guess I failed to observe that cruel side of yours, well, you killing me with your looks is a different thing" he said, pulling out his flirty grin.

That's true though, not the part including looks and all but yes, he's the only friend I have in the city of Seoul ever since I left Busan to study arts in the Seoul university. Lee was studying business but somehow we got along, he is a high spirited person who has been flirty with me for quite a while but it's not serious because he does the same with most of the girls around him.

He is my highest paid client who once or twice a month ask me to draw sketches or painting for the so called art-gallery-room of his. He could be annoying at times but that doesn't changes the fact that I can count on him when troubled, of course I'm forever indebted to him for the favours he often did, living alone in a big city is not a piece of cake.

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