Chapter 2- Her

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9:30pm, 18th of October, 2020, Seoul, South Korea

Taehyung's POV-

"It's raining" I mumbled to myself, while hearing the pitter-patter of raindrops. Sliding the car's window and switching on the windshield wiper, I tried to concentrate on the road ahead.

"Argh!" Growling to myself, I banned my fist on the steering wheel. As if rain wasn't enough to spoil my mood that this traffic jam is pissing me off now.

I was supposed to be at the station only if I wasn't assigned to submit the monthly reports to the headquarters. It's not my job though but chief asked me to do so the same and I couldn't refuse.

*Zzzzz Zzzzz Zzzzz*

The vibration of my cellphone pulled me out of my trance, looking down to my phone which was resting in the cabinet I found the called Id to be 'Cheif Yoongi'

"Hello" I said, recieving the call right away.

"Where are you now?" he asked, in a calm tone.

"At outskirts of Seoul, will take around 30 minutes to reach gangham police station" I said, reporting to my senior. Though being completely pissed off because of the weather, I still tried to maintain a calm composure and not burst out.

"No need to report to the station, you may go home, Taehyung" he said, in a even more relaxed voice.

"O-Okay chief" I said, no liking the idea of going back home and being 'Alone'. Being alone is something I try to avoid most of the time. I keep myself busy with cases, work overnight so that I occupy myself and to not let my mind lose it's track. But no matter how much I avoid it, at the end of the day, I have to make my way back to that four-concrete-walled apartment which seems nothing but a cage to me.

"Aish, how many times I've asked you to drop these workplace honorifics when we are not working." he said, in an annoyed tone. I have known chief Yoongi for a long time and he treats me very well not only as a workmate but also as his littles brother.

"Okay, hyung-nim" I said, putting a stress on 'hyung' while chuckling.

"Good, I want to tell you about the favour you asked me few days back" he said, in a serious tone. I furrowed my brows, stealing a glance at the caller Id in anticipation.

"I'm all ears." I said, attentively.

"Well, I asked some of my people to look up for the records you asked for, they'll inform me as soon as they get ahold of it. But-"

"But what?" I cut him off.

"Taehyung-ah, it's been so many years already. Leave the past and focus on your present, you know-"

"I know hyung, I know. I'm really very tha-"

" 'thankful to you for the favour you are doing for me, I'll pay you back anyhow I could in the near future' I know I know " this time he cut me off, completing my sentence for me.

The truth is that I don't wanna stop, I want to keep digging until I'm satisfied with the result.

"See you tomorrow, hyung" I said receiving the same greeting in return. Turning off the Bluetooth, I am waiting for traffic to clear, this is the nearest checkpoint to Seoul city. Tapping my fingers on the steering wheel, I took a glance at my watch, it's fifty past nine.

A sudden knock on my glass window made me slide down the glass only to be welcomed by a patrolling police office. His raincoat is drenched in rain, a torch in one hand and a handheld transceiver (walky-talkie) in other.

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